- Respect WITH_DEBUG - Add LICENSE - Update MIRROR_SITES - Add missing faad dependency [1] - Correct plist for python != 2.6 [1] - Remove useless patch for goom visualization - Remove SNESAPU (spc codec) from build because of ASM code compile problems on -CURRENT Submitted by: Mickael Maillot <mickael dot maillot at gmail dot com> (maintainer), Anonymous <swell dot k at gmail dot com> [1]
141 lines
6.8 KiB
141 lines
6.8 KiB
--- Makefile.in.orig 2010-12-17 07:17:41.000000000 +0100
+++ Makefile.in 2011-02-23 22:22:13.000000000 +0100
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
xbmc/cores/paplayer/timidity \
xbmc/cores/paplayer/SIDCodec \
xbmc/cores/paplayer/YMCodec/StSoundLibrary \
- xbmc/cores/paplayer/SPCCodec/SNES/SNESAPU \
xbmc/cores/paplayer/vgmstream \
ifeq (@USE_INTERNAL_LIBA52@,1)
@@ -363,9 +362,6 @@
$(MAKE) -C xbmc/cores/paplayer/YMCodec/StSoundLibrary
-ifeq ($(or $(findstring powerpc,$(ARCH)),$(findstring x86_64-linux,$(ARCH)),$(findstring arm, $(ARCH))),)
- $(MAKE) -C xbmc/cores/paplayer/SPCCodec/SNES/SNESAPU
imagelib: dllloader
$(MAKE) -C xbmc/lib/cximage-6.0
@@ -502,7 +498,8 @@
$(MAKE) -C tools/XBMCLive
install-bin: xbmc.bin # developement convenience target
- sudo install -D xbmc.bin $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc
+ sudo install -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+ sudo install xbmc.bin $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc
ifeq ($(findstring osx,$(ARCH)), osx)
# TODO: add osx install
@@ -511,45 +508,93 @@
install-binaries: install-scripts
@echo "Copying XBMC binary to $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/xbmc.bin"
- @install -D xbmc.bin $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/xbmc.bin
- @install -D xbmc-xrandr $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc
+ @install xbmc.bin $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/xbmc.bin
+ @install xbmc-xrandr $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr
@echo "You can run XBMC with the command 'xbmc'"
@# Arch dependent files
+ifeq ($(findstring bsd,$(ARCH)), bsd)
+ @find -E system addons -type f -not -iregex ".*svn.*|.*script\.module\..*" \
+ -iregex ".*$(ARCH).*|.*\.vis|.*\.xbs|.*python.*\.zip" \
+ -exec sh -c "install -d \"$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/\`dirname '{}'\`\"" \; \
+ -and \
+ -exec install "{}" $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/"{}" \; \
+ -exec printf " -- %-75.75s\r" "{}" \;
+ifeq ($(findstring osx,$(ARCH)), osx)
+ @find -E system addons -type f -not -iregex ".*svn.*|.*script\.module\..*" \
+ -iregex ".*$(ARCH).*|.*\.vis|.*\.xbs|.*python.*\.zip" \
+ -exec sh -c "install -d \"$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/\`dirname '{}'\`\"" \; \
+ -and \
+ -exec install "{}" $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/"{}" \; \
+ -exec printf " -- %-75.75s\r" "{}" \;
@find system addons -regextype posix-extended -type f -not -iregex ".*svn.*|.*script\.module\..*" -iregex ".*$(ARCH).*|.*\.vis|.*\.xbs|.*python.*\.zip" -exec install -D "{}" $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/"{}" \; -printf " -- %-75.75f\r"
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/addons
@cp -r addons/script.module.pil $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/addons/
@cp -r addons/script.module.pysqlite $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/xbmc/addons/
- @install -D tools/Linux/xbmc.sh $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/xbmc
- @install -D tools/Linux/xbmc-standalone.sh $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/xbmc-standalone
- @install -D -m 0644 tools/Linux/FEH.py $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/FEH.py
- @install -D -m 0644 tools/Linux/xbmc-xsession.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xsessions/XBMC.desktop
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ @install tools/Linux/xbmc.sh $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/xbmc
+ @install tools/Linux/xbmc-standalone.sh $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/xbmc-standalone
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc
+ @install -m 0644 tools/Linux/FEH.py $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/FEH.py
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xsessions
+ @install -m 0644 tools/Linux/xbmc-xsession.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xsessions/XBMC.desktop
install-datas: install-scripts
@echo "Copying support and legal files..."
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
@for FILE in `ls README.linux LICENSE.GPL *.txt`; do \
- install -D -m 0644 "$$FILE" "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$$FILE"; done
+ install -m 0644 "$$FILE" "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$$FILE"; done
@echo "Done!"
@echo "Copying system files to $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc"
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc
@# Arch independent files
- @find addons language media sounds userdata system -regextype posix-extended -type f -not -iregex ".*script\.module\..*|.*$(ARCH).*|.*\.vis|.*\.xbs|.*svn.*|.*\.so|.*\.dll|.*\.pyd|.*python.*\.zip" -exec install -D -m 0644 "{}" $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/"{}" \; -printf " -- %-75.75f\r"
+ifeq ($(findstring bsd,$(ARCH)), bsd)
+ @find -E addons language media sounds userdata system -type f \
+ -not -iregex ".*script\.module\..*|.*$(ARCH).*|.*\.vis|.*\.xbs|.*svn.*|.*\.so|.*\.dll|.*\.pyd|.*python.*\.zip" \
+ -exec sh -c "install -d \"$(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/\`dirname '{}'\`\"" \; \
+ -and \
+ -exec install -m 0644 "{}" $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/"{}" \; \
+ -exec printf " -- %-75.75s\r" "{}" \;
+ifeq ($(findstring osx,$(ARCH)), osx)
+ @find -E addons language media sounds userdata system -type f \
+ -not -iregex ".*script\.module\..*|.*$(ARCH).*|.*\.vis|.*\.xbs|.*svn.*|.*\.so|.*\.dll|.*\.pyd|.*python.*\.zip" \
+ -exec sh -c "install -d \"$(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/\`dirname '{}'\`\"" \; \
+ -and \
+ -exec install -m 0644 "{}" $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/"{}" \; \
+ -exec printf " -- %-75.75s\r" "{}" \;
+ @find addons language media sounds userdata system -regextype posix-extended -type f \
+ -not -iregex ".*script\.module\..*|.*$(ARCH).*|.*\.vis|.*\.xbs|.*svn.*|.*\.so|.*\.dll|.*\.pyd|.*python.*\.zip" \
+ -exec install -D -m 0644 "{}" $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/xbmc/"{}" \; \
+ -printf " -- %-75.75f\r"
@# Icons and links
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/applications
- @cp -a tools/Linux/xbmc.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/applications/
- @install -D -m 0644 tools/Linux/xbmc-48x48.png $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xbmc.png
- @install -D -m 0644 media/icon.png $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/xbmc.png
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/applications
+ @install tools/Linux/xbmc.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/applications/xbmc.desktop
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
+ @install -m 0644 tools/Linux/xbmc-48x48.png $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xbmc.png
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps
+ @install -m 0644 media/icon.png $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/xbmc.png
@test -z "$(DESTDIR)" && gtk-update-icon-cache -f -q -t $(datadir)/icons/hicolor || :
install-livedatas: livedatas
@echo "Install Live CD datas..."
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
- @install -D tools/XBMCLive/diskmounter $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/diskmounter
- @install -D tools/XBMCLive/installXBMC $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/installXBMC
- @install -D tools/XBMCLive/runXBMC $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/runXBMC
- @install -D tools/XBMCLive/setAlsaVolumes $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/setAlsaVolumes
+ @install -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ @install tools/XBMCLive/diskmounter $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/diskmounter
+ @install tools/XBMCLive/installXBMC $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/installXBMC
+ @install tools/XBMCLive/runXBMC $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/runXBMC
+ @install tools/XBMCLive/setAlsaVolumes $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/setAlsaVolumes
@echo "Removing XBMC..."