nesasm is a 6502 assembler with specific NES support. NES support in this case refers to FamiCOM and Nintendo Entertainment System support. lang/fasm has been used as a reference on how an assembler should be ported. Feedback is as always welcome, hopefully it will lead to me producing better ports and less work for you committer ;) WWW: http://bobrost.com/nes/resources.php PR: ports/115254 Submitted by: Pontus Stenetorp <ninjin@kth.se>
29 lines
770 B
29 lines
770 B
# New ports collection makefile for: nesasm
# Date created: 6 August 2007
# Whom: Pontus Stenetorp <ninjin@kth.se>
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= nesasm
CATEGORIES= lang devel
MASTER_SITES= http://bobrost.com/nes/files/
DISTNAME= nbasic_2004_03_14
MAINTAINER= ninjin@kth.se
COMMENT= The nesasm assembler is a 6502 assembler with specific NES support
WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/nbasic_2004_03_14/source/${PORTNAME}/source/
USE_ZIP= yes
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}../documentation/*.txt ${DOCSDIR}
# The next install will overwrite readme.txt with a newer readme.txt
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}../readme.txt ${DOCSDIR}
.include <bsd.port.mk>