Py-StackExchange is a simple Python binding for the StackExchange API. Py-StackExchange API coverage: - Access any StackExchange site, with just its URL. Even those that aren't online yet. - If you just can't decide which one to use, you can use StackAuth to look up the full list of sites. - Once you're online, you can view everything about users, questions, answers, badges, comments and tags. - You can even go back in time by playing with post revisions. - Help users by looking up every StackExchange account they have. Every single one. - See how well an SE site is doing; check its site statistics. - Search the questions of StackExchange sites. WWW:
16 lines
712 B
16 lines
712 B
Py-StackExchange is a simple Python binding for the StackExchange API.
Py-StackExchange API coverage:
- Access any StackExchange site, with just its URL. Even those that aren't
online yet.
- If you just can't decide which one to use, you can use StackAuth to look up
the full list of sites.
- Once you're online, you can view everything about users, questions, answers,
badges, comments and tags.
- You can even go back in time by playing with post revisions.
- Help users by looking up every StackExchange account they have. Every single
- See how well an SE site is doing; check its site statistics.
- Search the questions of StackExchange sites.