Jordan K. Hubbard 0fedcf6dce Don't hardcode patch and its arguments. Not quite the same patch as submitted
by Robert Withrow, but he prodded me into thinking about it again.  Thanks, Rob.
1994-09-28 14:19:30 +00:00

358 lines
11 KiB

# -*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
# - 940820 Jordan K. Hubbard.
# This file is in the public domain.
# $Id:,v 1.40 1994/09/22 07:45:30 swallace Exp $
# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
# Supported Variables and their behaviors:
# Variables that typically apply to all ports:
# PORTSDIR - The root of the ports tree (default: /usr/ports).
# DISTDIR - Where to get gzip'd, tarballed copies of original sources
# (default: ${PORTSDIR}/distfiles).
# MASTER_SITES - Primary location(s) for distribution files if not found
# locally.
# PACKAGES - A top level directory where all packages go (rather than
# going locally to each port). (default: ${PORTSDIR}/packages).
# GMAKE - Set to path of GNU make if not in $PATH (default: gmake).
# XMKMF - Set to path of `xmkmf' if not in $PATH (default: xmkmf).
# Variables that typically apply to an individual port:
# WRKDIR - A temporary working directory that gets *clobbered* on clean.
# WRKSRC - A subdirectory of ${WRKDIR} where the distribution actually
# unpacks to. (Default: ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME} unless
# NO_WRKSUBDIR is set, in which case simply ${WRKDIR}).
# DISTNAME - Name of port or distribution.
# DISTFILES - Name(s) of archive file(s) containing distribution
# EXTRACT_ONLY - If defined, a subset of ${DISTFILES} you want to
# actually extract.
# PATCHDIR - A directory containing any required patches.
# SCRIPTDIR - A directory containing any auxilliary scripts.
# FILESDIR - A directory containing any miscellaneous additional files.
# PKGDIR - A direction containing any package creation files.
# NO_EXTRACT - Use a dummy (do-nothing) extract target.
# NO_CONFIGURE - Use a dummy (do-nothing) configure target.
# NO_BUILD - Use a dummy (do-nothing) build target.
# NO_PACKAGE - Use a dummy (do-nothing) package target.
# NO_INSTALL - Use a dummy (do-nothing) install target.
# NO_WRKSUBDIR - Assume port unpacks directly into ${WRKDIR}.
# USE_GMAKE - Says that the port uses gmake.
# USE_IMAKE - Says that the port uses imake.
# HAS_CONFIGURE - Says that the port has its own configure script.
# CONFIGURE_ARGS - Pass these args to configure, if $HAS_CONFIGURE.
# DEPENDS - A list of other ports this package depends on being
# made first, relative to ${PORTSDIR} (e.g. x11/tk, lang/tcl,
# etc).
# EXTRACT_CMD - Command for extracting archive (default: tar).
# EXTRACT_SUFX - Suffix for archive names (default: .tar.gz).
# EXTRACT_ARGS - Arguments to ${EXTRACT_CMD} (default: -C ${WRKDIR} -xzf).
# NCFTP - Full path to ncftp command if not in $PATH (default: ncftp).
# NCFTP_ARGS - Arguments to ${NCFTP} (default: -N).
# Default targets and their behaviors:
# fetch - Retrieves ${DISTFILES} into ${DISTDIR} as necessary.
# extract - Unpacks ${DISTFILES} into ${WRKDIR}.
# configure - Applies patches, if any, and runs either GNU configure, one
# or more local configure scripts or nothing, depending on
# what's available.
# build - Actually compile the sources.
# install - Install the results of a build.
# package - Create a package from a build.
# Default sequence for "all" is: fetch extract configure build
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/../
.include "${.CURDIR}/../"
# These need to be absolute since we don't know how deep in the ports
# tree we are and thus can't go relative. They can, of course, be overridden
# by individual Makefiles.
PORTSDIR?= ${DESTDIR}/usr/ports
DISTDIR?= ${PORTSDIR}/distfiles
WRKDIR?= ${.CURDIR}/work
.if defined(NO_WRKSUBDIR)
PATCHDIR?= ${.CURDIR}/patches
SCRIPTDIR?= ${.CURDIR}/scripts
.if exists(${PORTSDIR}/../
.include "${PORTSDIR}/../"
# Change these if you'd prefer to keep the cookies someplace else.
EXTRACT_COOKIE?= ${WRKDIR}/.extract_done
CONFIGURE_COOKIE?= ${WRKDIR}/.configure_done
# How to do nothing. Override if you, for some strange reason, would rather
# do something.
DO_NADA?= echo -n
# Miscellaneous overridable commands:
GMAKE?= gmake
XMKMF?= xmkmf
MAKEFILE?= Makefile
NCFTP?= ncftp
PATCH?= patch
EXTRACT_SUFX?= .tar.gz
PKG_CMD?= pkg_create
PKG_SUFX?= .tgz
# I guess we're in the master distribution business! :) As we gain mirror
# sites for distfiles, add them to this list.
# Derived names so that they're easily overridable.
.if exists(${PACKAGES})
.MAIN: all
all: extract configure build
# The following are used to create easy dummy targets for disabling some
# bit of default target behavior you don't want. They still check to see
# if the target exists, and if so don't do anything, since you might want
# to set this globally for a group of ports in a, but still
# be able to override from an individual Makefile (since you can't _undefine_
# a variable in make!).
.if defined(NO_EXTRACT) && !target(extract)
@touch -f ${EXTRACT_COOKIE}
.if defined(NO_CONFIGURE) && !target(configure)
.if defined(NO_BUILD) && !target(build)
.if defined(NO_PACKAGE) && !target(package)
.if defined(NO_INSTALL) && !target(install)
# More standard targets start here.
.if !target(pre-install)
.if !target(install)
install: pre-install
@echo "===> Installing for ${DISTNAME}"
.if defined(USE_GMAKE)
@(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${GMAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} install)
.else defined(USE_GMAKE)
@(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} install)
.if !target(pre-package)
.if !target(package)
package: pre-package
# Makes some gross assumptions about a fairly simple package with no
# install, require or deinstall scripts. Override the arguments with
# PKG_ARGS if your package is anything but run-of-the-mill.
@if [ -d ${PKGDIR} ]; then \
echo "===> Building package for ${DISTNAME}"; \
.if !target(pre-build)
.if !target(build)
build: configure pre-build
@echo "===> Building for ${DISTNAME}"
.if defined(DEPENDS)
@echo "===> ${DISTNAME} depends on: ${DEPENDS}"
@for i in ${DEPENDS}; do \
echo "===> Verifying build for $$i"; \
if [ ! -d ${PORTSDIR}/$$i ]; then \
echo ">> No directory for ${PORTSDIR}/$$i. Skipping.."; \
else \
(cd ${PORTSDIR}/$$i; ${MAKE} all install) ; \
fi \
@echo "===> Returning to build of ${DISTNAME}"
.if defined(USE_GMAKE)
.else defined(USE_GMAKE)
@(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} ${MAKEFILE} all)
@if [ -f ${SCRIPTDIR}/post-build ]; then \
sh ${SCRIPTDIR}/post-build ${PORTSDIR} ${.CURDIR} ${WRKSRC}; \
.if !target(pre-configure)
.if !target(configure)
# This is done with a .configure because configures are often expensive,
# and you don't want it done again gratuitously when you're trying to get
# a make of the whole tree to work.
configure: pre-configure extract ${CONFIGURE_COOKIE}
@echo "===> Configuring for ${DISTNAME}"
@if [ -d ${PATCHDIR} ]; then \
echo "===> Applying patches for ${DISTNAME}" ; \
for i in ${PATCHDIR}/patch-*; do \
${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < $$i; \
done; \
# We have a small convention for our local configure scripts, which
# is that ${PORTSDIR}, ${.CURDIR} and ${WRKSRC} get passed as
# command-line arguments since all other methods are a little
# problematic.
@if [ -f ${SCRIPTDIR}/pre-configure ]; then \
sh ${SCRIPTDIR}/pre-configure ${PORTSDIR} ${.CURDIR} ${WRKSRC}; \
@if [ -f ${SCRIPTDIR}/configure ]; then \
sh ${SCRIPTDIR}/configure ${PORTSDIR} ${.CURDIR} ${WRKSRC}; \
.if defined(HAS_CONFIGURE)
@(cd ${WRKSRC}; ./configure ${CONFIGURE_ARGS})
.if defined(USE_IMAKE)
@(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${XMKMF} && ${MAKE} Makefiles)
@if [ -f ${SCRIPTDIR}/post-configure ]; then \
sh ${SCRIPTDIR}/post-configure ${PORTSDIR} ${.CURDIR} ${WRKSRC}; \
.if !target(pre-fetch)
.if !target(fetch)
fetch: pre-fetch
@if [ ! -d ${DISTDIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${DISTDIR}; fi
@(cd ${DISTDIR}; \
for file in ${DISTFILES}; do \
if [ ! -f $$file ]; then \
echo ">> $$file doesn't seem to exist on this system."; \
echo ">> Attempting to fetch it from a master site."; \
for site in ${MASTER_SITES}; do \
if ${NCFTP} ${NCFTPFLAGS} $${site}$${file}; then \
echo ">> $$file Fetched!" ; \
break; \
fi \
done; \
if [ ! -f $$file ]; then \
echo ">> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retreive this";\
echo ">> port manually into ${DISTDIR} and try again."; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
fi \
.if !target(pre-extract)
.if !target(extract)
# We need to depend on .extract_done rather than the presence of ${WRKDIR}
# because if the user interrupts the extract in the middle (and it's often
# a long procedure), we get tricked into thinking that we've got a good dist
# in ${WRKDIR}.
extract: fetch pre-extract ${EXTRACT_COOKIE}
@echo "===> Extracting for ${DISTNAME}"
@rm -rf ${WRKDIR}
@mkdir -p ${WRKDIR}
.if defined(EXTRACT_ONLY)
@for file in ${EXTRACT_ONLY}; do \
@for file in ${DISTFILES}; do \
@touch -f ${EXTRACT_COOKIE}
.if !target(pre-clean)
.if !target(clean)
clean: pre-clean
@echo "===> Cleaning for ${DISTNAME}"
@rm -rf ${WRKDIR}
# No pre-targets for depend or tags. It would be silly.
# Depend is generally meaningless for arbitrary ports, but if someone wants
# one they can override this. This is just to catch people who've gotten into
# the habit of typing `make depend all install' as a matter of course.
.if !target(depend)
# Same goes for tags
.if !target(tags)