Jun Kuriyama c95d3f131c This module provides conversions between commonly used ways to express
colors. It provides conversions between color spaces such as RGB and
HSV, and it provides ways to look up colors by a name.

This class provides a base for subclasses which represent particular
color values in particular spaces. The base class provides methods to
represent the color in a few convenient forms, though subclasses may
provide more specific details for the space in question.

2011-02-26 06:27:37 +00:00

2 lines
143 B

SHA256 (Convert-Color-0.07.tar.gz) = d9a015c5e6a06fbb655f11b55c35c54fc940736521fea2e1ca4f1c8bb9db6cfb
SIZE (Convert-Color-0.07.tar.gz) = 32387