Take over maintainership temporarily upon request from the software's author(s), who were unable to reach the previous maintainer. In both: - use explict --mandir=${PREFIX}/man to avoid man-pages getting into ${PREFIX}/shared/man incorrectly - deal with the NOPORTDOCS situation by simply not-extracting the extra documentation from the distribution tarball - parallelize the build to scale with the number of CPUs In vips: - move the (giant) list of man-pages into a separate Makefile.man - turn the pages, which contain only `.so other-page', into MANLINKS (specified in Makefile.man) - provide a "maintainance target" to regenerate the Makefile.man during the next upgrade - do not install the HTML-ized versions of man-pages - create OPTIONS for use of devel/liboil and graphics/ImageMagick (OPTION to use PYTHON awaits portmgr's decision/action) In nip2: - do install the HTML pages regardless of NOPORTDOCS -- these are accessible to the user through the application GUI - arrange for update-mime-database and update-desktop-database to be run upon install (@exec) and uninstall (@unexec) - LIB_DEPEND on math/gsl, which nip2 can use for extra functionality These ports are in need of a dedicated maintainer. Approved by: maintainer timeout
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# New ports collection makefile for: vips
# Date created: 19 December 2003
# Whom: Lev Serebryakov <lev@FreeBSD.org>
# $FreeBSD$
CATEGORIES= graphics
MASTER_SITES= http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/vips-${PORTVERSION:R}/
MAINTAINER= mi@aldan.algebra.com
COMMENT= Graphical user interface for VIPS
LIB_DEPENDS= vips:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/vips \
gsl:${PORTSDIR}/math/gsl \
USE_GNOME= gnomemimedata glib20 pkgconfig gtk20
CONFIGURE_ARGS= --mandir=${PREFIX}/man
ALL_TARGET= -j`${SYSCTL} -n hw.ncpu`
# This port has no man-pages. It installs a number of HTML files,
# which are available through the GUI's Help. For this reason, they
# are always installed, regardless of the NOPORTDOCS setting.
# The PDF version of the documentation is another story:
.if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS=|${TAR} -xpf - --exclude nipguide --exclude pdf
# Somehow vendor's configure misses these:
MAKE_ENV+= UPDATE_MIME_DATABASE=update-mime-database \
MAN1= nip2.1
${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's, malkovich,,' ${WRKSRC}/configure
.include <bsd.port.mk>