24 lines
984 B
24 lines
984 B
Mtools is a collection of helper scripts to parse and filter MongoDB
log files (mongod, mongos), visualize log files and quickly set up
complex MongoDB test environments on a local machine:
* mlogfilter * slices log files by time, merges log files, filters
slow queries, finds table scans, shortens log lines, filters by
other atributes, convert to JSON;
* mloginfo * returns info about log file, like start and end time,
version, binary, special sections like restarts, connections,
distinct view;
* mplotqueries * visualize logfiles with different types of plots;
* mlogvis * creates a self-contained html file that shows an interactive
visualization in a web browser (as an alternative to mplotqueries);
* mlaunch * a script to quickly spin up local test environments,
including replica sets and sharded systems;
* mgenerate * generates structured pseudo-random data based on a
template for testing and reproduction.
WWW: https://github.com/rueckstiess/mtools