INDEX-5). A note about the implementation: I had to add the call to chmod to make the index file readable to everyone. I'm a little bit surprised by this, since my umask is 022. Either fetch(1) doesn't respect the umask or it mirrors the permissions too (I haven't investigated this). Both possibilities aren't documented in the man-page. Approved by: kris (previous version without the chmod)
150 lines
4.7 KiB
150 lines
4.7 KiB
# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR += accessibility
SUBDIR += arabic
SUBDIR += archivers
SUBDIR += astro
SUBDIR += audio
SUBDIR += benchmarks
SUBDIR += biology
SUBDIR += cad
SUBDIR += chinese
SUBDIR += comms
SUBDIR += converters
SUBDIR += databases
SUBDIR += deskutils
SUBDIR += devel
SUBDIR += dns
SUBDIR += editors
SUBDIR += emulators
SUBDIR += finance
SUBDIR += french
SUBDIR += ftp
SUBDIR += games
SUBDIR += german
SUBDIR += graphics
SUBDIR += hebrew
SUBDIR += hungarian
SUBDIR += irc
SUBDIR += japanese
SUBDIR += java
SUBDIR += korean
SUBDIR += lang
SUBDIR += mail
SUBDIR += math
SUBDIR += mbone
SUBDIR += misc
SUBDIR += multimedia
SUBDIR += net
SUBDIR += net-mgmt
SUBDIR += news
SUBDIR += palm
SUBDIR += picobsd
SUBDIR += polish
SUBDIR += portuguese
SUBDIR += print
SUBDIR += russian
SUBDIR += science
SUBDIR += security
SUBDIR += shells
SUBDIR += sysutils
SUBDIR += textproc
SUBDIR += ukrainian
SUBDIR += vietnamese
SUBDIR += www
SUBDIR += x11
SUBDIR += x11-clocks
SUBDIR += x11-fm
SUBDIR += x11-fonts
SUBDIR += x11-servers
SUBDIR += x11-themes
SUBDIR += x11-toolkits
SUBDIR += x11-wm
.include <>
@rm -f ${.CURDIR}/${INDEXFILE}
@cd ${.CURDIR} && make ${.CURDIR}/${INDEXFILE}
@cd ${.CURDIR} && fetch -am${INDEXFILE} && chmod a+r ${INDEXFILE}
@echo -n "Generating ${INDEXFILE} - please wait.."; \
if [ "${INDEX_PRISTINE}" != "" ]; then \
export LOCALBASE=/nonexistentlocal; \
export X11BASE=/nonexistentx; \
fi; \
tmpdir=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d -t index` || exit 1; \
trap "rm -rf $${tmpdir}; exit 1" 1 2 3 5 10 13 15; \
( cd ${.CURDIR} && make -j${INDEX_JOBS} INDEX_TMPDIR=$${tmpdir} BUILDING_INDEX=1 \
ECHO_MSG="echo > /dev/null" describe ) || \
(rm -rf $${tmpdir} ; \
if [ "${INDEX_QUIET}" = "" ]; then \
echo; \
echo "********************************************************************"; \
echo "Before reporting this error, verify that you are running a supported"; \
echo "version of FreeBSD (see and that you"; \
echo "have a complete and up-to-date ports collection. If so, then report"; \
echo "the failure to together with relevant details of"; \
echo "your ports configuration (including FreeBSD version, environment and"; \
echo "/etc/make.conf settings)."; \
echo "********************************************************************"; \
echo; \
fi; \
exit 1); \
cat $${tmpdir}/${INDEXFILE}.desc.* | perl ${.CURDIR}/Tools/make_index | \
sed -e 's/ */ /g' -e 's/| */|/g' -e 's/ *|/|/g' -e 's./..g' | \
sort -t '|' +1 -2 | \
sed -e 's../.g' > ${.CURDIR}/${INDEXFILE}.tmp; \
if [ "${INDEX_PRISTINE}" != "" ]; then \
sed -e "s,$${LOCALBASE},/usr/local," -e "s,$${X11BASE},/usr/X11R6," \
else \
fi; \
rm -rf $${tmpdir}; \
echo " Done."
print-index: ${.CURDIR}/${INDEXFILE}
@awk -F\| '{ printf("Port:\t%s\nPath:\t%s\nInfo:\t%s\nMaint:\t%s\nIndex:\t%s\nB-deps:\t%s\nR-deps:\t%s\n\n", $$1, $$2, $$4, $$6, $$7, $$8, $$9); }' < ${.CURDIR}/${INDEXFILE}
parallel: ${.CURDIR}/${INDEXFILE}
.if !defined(branch)
@echo "The parallel target requires a branch parameter,"
@echo "e.g.: \"make parallel branch=X\""
.for dir in ${SUBDIR}
@[ -r ${dir}/Makefile ] && echo "all: ${dir}-all" || true
@awk -F '|' '{me=$$1; here=$$2; bdep=$$8; rdep=$$9; split(here, tmp, "/"); if (bdep != "") { gsub("$$", ".tgz", bdep); gsub(" ", ".tgz ", bdep); } if (rdep != "") { gsub("$$", ".tgz", rdep); gsub(" ", ".tgz ", rdep); } print tmp[4] "-all: " me ".tgz"; print me ": " me ".tgz"; print me ".tgz: " bdep " " rdep; printf("\t@/var/portbuild/scripts/pdispatch ${branch} /var/portbuild/scripts/portbuild %s.tgz %s", me, here); if (bdep != "") printf(" %s", bdep); if (rdep != "") printf(" %s", rdep); printf("\n")}' < ${.CURDIR}/${INDEXFILE}
CVS?= cvs
SUP?= cvsup
.if defined(SUPHOST)
.if defined(SUP_UPDATE) && defined(PORTSSUPFILE)
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo ">>> Running ${SUP}"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
.elif defined(CVS_UPDATE)
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo ">>> Updating ${.CURDIR} from cvs repository" ${CVSROOT}
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
cd ${.CURDIR}; ${CVS} -R -q update -A -P -d
.elif defined(SUP_UPDATE) && !defined(PORTSSUPFILE)
@${ECHO_MSG} "Error: Please define PORTSSUPFILE before doing make update."
@exit 1
@${ECHO_MSG} "Error: Please define either SUP_UPDATE or CVS_UPDATE first."