Thierry Thomas 8fecd8a363 Code_Saturne is EDF's general purpose computational fluid dynamics
software. Developed since 1997 at EDF R&D, it is based on a co-located
Finite Volume approach that accepts meshes with any type of
cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral, prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral, ...)
and any type of grid structure (unstructured, blockstructured, hybrid,
conforming or with hanging nodes, ...).
Its basic capabilities enable the handling of either incompressible or
expandable flows with or without heat transfer and turbulence (mixing
length, 2-equation models, v2f, Reynolds stress models, Large Eddy
Simulations, ...).

2007-06-17 21:04:54 +00:00

3 lines
184 B

MD5 (fvm-0.6.3.tar.gz) = f02b468bb9677809305d160b41b8f949
SHA256 (fvm-0.6.3.tar.gz) = 1566ff22213846f24d976ef11a9e1e9aef485f870206656ab301f899bc5bdcbb
SIZE (fvm-0.6.3.tar.gz) = 566676