Changes since 49.1:
DIN Is Noise 50:
/* Wand drones into existense using Drone Tools > Wand
/* tool toggles between Add and Wand modes
/* In Add mode (the only mode until DIN49.1), you add a new drone by
left clicking on the microtonal keyboard. You click and drag to
'spray' new drones.
/* In Wand mode (new in DIN 50), you simply wave the mouse to add drones on
the microtonal keyboard. Use the Wand distance (Drone Params > Defaults)
to control how close or spaced out the drones are to each other.
/* new Drone Params > Defaults tab to set defaults for some drone parameters:
/* wand distance - distance to move the mouse before DIN adds a drone in Wand mode.
! smaller distance means drones are created close together
! larger distance means drones are more spaced out
/* type of drones wanded/added:
1. immortal - drone forever until deleted << default and the only type until DIN49.1
2. mortal - die after their lifetime << drones launched from another drone are this type
3. reincarnate - die after their lifetime only to be (re)born immediately! << new to DIN 50!
-> type of sound made by drones:
-> moved from Drone > Tools in DIN 49.1
-> drones a pitch/volume
-> noise @ pitch/volume
-> Drone rise (min, max), fall (min, max), lifetime and handle size.
-> rise, fall times moved here from Settings screen
/* Drone Tools > Immortalize to make drones immortal
/* Drone Tools > Mortalize to kill drones after their lifetime
/* Drone Tools > Reincarnate - drones rebirth after their death, immediately!
/* Auto rotate Velocity or Acceleration or Both of selected drones from
Drone Params > Motion tab
/* @ RPM
/* Clockwise or Anti-clockwise
/* Start, Stop or Toggle
/* Set AM and FM directions to
/* Vertical, Horizontal, Velocity or Acceleration
/* Until DIN 49.1:
/* AM direction = Vertical
/* FM direction = Horizontal
interesting fx possible via auto rotating velocity +/ acceleration and using them
as modulation directions. also interesting to launch drones from auto rotating
DIN 50 introduces a virtual geometric chuck inspired by the geometric chuck,
a drawing machine from the 19th century! DIN's chuck, made with a bunch
of drones, not only draws (via drone trails) but also sounds notes
(via snapping), drones or noises!
To begin, select a bunch of drones and
choose Drone Tools > Chuck
DIN creates a geometric chuck with these drones
Minimum 2 drones
Good start = 3 drones
Each drone rotates about the other
1st drone is central, rotates about nothing, so stays still
You can move this drone around and move the whole chuck
The 2nd drone rotates about the 1st,
The 3rd drone rotates about the 2nd,
and so on
Browse the selected drones of the chuck with Drone Tools > Browse drone
or press <- and -> to select a drone in the chuck and
Adjust the speed at which this drone rotates about the other
(Drone Params > Chuck > Speed), the distance at which it rotates
(Drone Params > Chuck > Length), flip the direction of rotation
(anti-clockwise < > clockwise) (Drone Params > Flip), pause/go
(Drone Params > Chuck > Toggle) the rotation and draw a trail
(Drone Params > Chuck > Trail length). Recommend trail on the last
drone of a chuck to make drawing like the real geometric chuck
Set Angle per frame to speed up (large angle) or slow down (small angle) the rotation
of all the drones of (all) chuck(s).
The drones of the chuck sound the pitch/volume they are on the microtonal keyboard.
You can mute/unmute any / all of the drones of the chuck.
Drone Tools > Mute, Drone Tools > Unmute
You can convert any / all of the chuck's drones to noise (Drone Tools > Drone > Noise) or
Drone Tools > Drone 2 Noise, Drone Tools > Noise 2 Drone
You can snap drones of the chuck to sound notes
Drone Params > Motion > Snap drones to notes > Set
+ stop drone decay (and death) if frozen
+ retime decay time of deleted drone(s) if you select drone(s) and delete again
* change FM depth (like AM depth) by moving along vertical on mouse slider
* moved along horizontal until DIN 49.1
* change FM bpm (like AM bpm) by moving along vertical on mouse slider
* moved along horizontal until DIN 49.1
* helps with moving drones along circular paths at different speeds
* improved value spinner UI
* improved find_nearest_note (..) performance
* improved drone trail performance
* improved console text & value display