Telegram-cli is a command-line interface for the Telegram instant-messaging network. WWW: This is a repocopy of net-im/telegram. There are 2 reasons for it: 1. net-im/telegram upstream ( is not active anymore. Telegram CLI is being maintained by a community gathered around a fork on GitHub: People might want to stick to the original version of Telegram CLI, so let's give them an option to do that. 2. Most other packaging systems package this piece of software as telegram-cli (see Let's take this opportunity to have a package name consistent with other projects.
5 lines
359 B
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359 B
TIMESTAMP = 1601931813
SHA256 (kenorb-contrib-tg-20200106_GH0.tar.gz) = 824504804e8c0bb20943d765ba54feaacda7b2ec34735da0cfe5d5e61348d519
SIZE (kenorb-contrib-tg-20200106_GH0.tar.gz) = 167428
SHA256 (kenorb-contrib-tgl-57f1bc4_GH0.tar.gz) = 1d0cec7cf19ee90bf8a6c43a9835c87f28c33593f6b508be608cf3842d3d218a
SIZE (kenorb-contrib-tgl-57f1bc4_GH0.tar.gz) = 271320