Satoshi Asami 7173c62988 (1) Use timestamp file to make log processing lazier -- only process
logs when there are logs newer than the .stamp file.

(2) Print time cvs update is done for reference.

(3) Print number of affected ports (the "aff." field).  Basically the
    number of times the port appears in INDEX minus one (itself), so
    it won't take care of all chained build dependencies, but it will
    give you some idea how critical a port is when looking at the long

(4) Catch a few more error cases.
2000-08-29 07:50:12 +00:00

129 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable file

# delete .new file if it is more than a day old
find $of -mtime 2 -delete 2>/dev/null
if [ -f $of ]; then exit; fi
if [ -e .stamp -a $(echo $(find . -newer .stamp -type f -name '*.log' 2>/dev/null | wc -l)) = "0" ]; then exit; fi
echo "<html><head><title>Package building errors</title>" >$of
echo "<h1>Package building errors</h1>" >>$of
echo "</head><body>" >>$of
touch .stamp
set *.log
if [ $# = 1 -a "x$1" = "x*.log" ]; then
echo "No errors (yet)" >>$of
if [ -s cvsdone ]; then
echo "(cvs update finished at: $(cat cvsdone))<br>" >> $of
echo "(timestamp of newest log: $(ls -rtTl *.log | tail -1 | awk '{printf("%s %s %s %s\n",$6,$7,$8,$9)}'))<br><br>" >> $of
echo "<table border=1>" >>$of
echo "<tr><th>Log</th><th>Aff.</th><th>Size</th><th>Repository</th><th>Maintainer</th><th>Reason</th></tr>" >>$of
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
echo -n "<tr><td>" >>$of
echo -n "<a name=\"$1\"></a>" >> $of
echo -n "<a href=\"$1\">" >>$of
echo -n $(basename $1 .log) >>$of
echo -n "</a>" >>$of
echo -n "</td><td align=right>" >>$of
affected=$(($(grep -cF $(basename $1 .log) < INDEX) - 1))
if [ $affected != 0 ]; then echo -n $affected >>$of; fi
echo -n "</td><td align=right>" >>$of
size=$(/bin/ls -sk $1 | awk '{print $1}')
echo -n "$size KB" >>$of
echo -n "</td><td>" >>$of
dir=$(sed -n -e '3p' $1 | awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's,^/[^/]*/[^/]*/,,')
echo -n "<a href=\"$dir\">$dir</a>" >>$of
echo -n "</td><td>" >>$of
maint=$(sed -n -e '4p' $1 | awk '{print $3}')
maints="$maints $maint"
echo -n "<a href=\"mailto:$maint\">$maint</a>" >>$of
echo -n "</td><td>" >>$of
if grep -q 'list of extra files and directories' $1; then
reason="extra"; tag="extra"
elif grep -q 'Checksum mismatch' $1; then
reason="checksum"; tag="checksum"
elif grep -qE '(No checksum recorded for|(Maybe|Either) .* is out of date, or)' $1; then
reason="files/md5 update"; tag="md5"
elif grep -qE '(configure: error:|script.*failed: here are the contents of)' $1; then
reason="configure error"; tag="configure"
elif grep -qE '(bison:.*(No such file|not found)|multiple definition of `yy)' $1; then
reason="bison"; tag="bison"
elif grep -q "Couldn't fetch it - please try" $1; then
reason="fetch"; tag="fetch"
elif grep -q "out of .* hunks .*--saving rejects to" $1; then
reason="patch"; tag="patch"
elif grep -q 'Error: category .* not in list of valid categories' $1; then
reason="CATEGORIES"; tag="categories"
elif grep -q 'Xm/Xm\.h: No such file' $1; then
reason="MOTIF"; tag="motif"
elif grep -q 'undefined reference to `Xp' $1; then
reason="MOTIFLIB"; tag="motiflib"
elif grep -qi 'read-only file system' $1; then
reason="WRKDIR"; tag="wrkdir"
elif grep -q 'makeinfo: .* use --force' $1; then
reason="texinfo"; tag="texinfo"
elif grep -q 'means that you did not run the h2ph script' $1; then
reason="perl5"; tag="perl5"
elif grep -q "Error: shared library \".*\" does not exist" $1; then
reason="LIB_DEPENDS"; tag="libdepends"
elif grep -qE "(crt0|c\+\+rt0)\.o: No such file" $1; then
reason="ELF"; tag="elf"
elif grep -q ".*\.h: No such file" $1; then
if grep -q "X11/.*\.h: No such file" $1; then
if grep -q "XFree86-.*\.tgz" $1; then
reason="missing header"; tag="header"
reason="USE_XLIB"; tag="usexlib"
reason="missing header"; tag="header"
elif grep -q "cd: can't cd to" $1; then
reason="NFS"; tag="nfs"
elif grep -qE "pkg_add: (can't find enough temporary space|projected size of .* exceeds available free space)" $1; then
reason="disk full"; tag="df"
elif grep -qE '(parse error|too (many|few) arguments to|argument.*doesn.*prototype|incompatible type for argument|conflicting types for|undeclared \(first use (in |)this function\)|incorrect number of parameters|has incomplete type and cannot be initialized)' $1; then
reason="compiler error"; tag="cc"
elif grep -qE '(ANSI C.. forbids|is a contravariance violation|changed for new ANSI .for. scoping|[0-9]: passing .* changes signedness|discards qualifiers|lacks a cast|redeclared as different kind of symbol|invalid type .* for default argument to|wrong type argument to unary exclamation mark|duplicate explicit instantiation of|incompatible types in assignment|assuming . on overloaded member function|call of overloaded .* is ambiguous|declaration of C function .* conflicts with|initialization of non-const reference type|using typedef-name .* after|[0-9]: implicit declaration of function|[0-9]: size of array .* is too large|fixed or forbidden register .* for class)' $1; then
reason="new compiler error"; tag="newgcc"
elif grep -qE '(undefined reference to|cannot open -l.*: No such file)' $1; then
reason="linker error"; tag="ld"
elif grep -q 'install: .*: No such file' $1; then
reason="install error"; tag="install"
elif grep -q "/usr/.*/man/.*: No such file or directory" $1; then
reason="manpage"; tag="manpage"
elif grep -q "tar: can't add file" $1; then
reason="PLIST"; tag="plist"
elif grep -q "Can't open display" $1; then
reason="DISPLAY"; tag="display"
elif grep -q "error in dependency .*, exiting" $1; then
reason="dependency"; tag="dependency"
reason="???"; tag="unknown"
echo -n "<a href=\"../../index.html#$tag\">$reason</a>" >>$of
echo "</td></tr>" >>$of
echo "</table><br>" >> $of
echo "$num errors<br>" >> $of
echo "<hr>" >> $of
echo "<a href=\"../\">back to top</a>" >> $of
echo "</body></html>" >>$of
mv -f $of index.html
echo $maints | sed -e 's/ /\
/g' | sort -fu > maintainers