Previously, configure script was passing certain optimization options by default; now it is protected by --enable-native switch which users have to specify explicitly: -C_FLAGS=$C_FLAGS" -O3 -ffast-math `/bin/sh ./build/ \"$CC\" -march=native`" +C_FLAGS=$C_FLAGS" -O2" Take one step further and replace -O2 with our default CFLAGS which are essentially the same, but safer ( We must, however, force -msse2 on i386 for the build to succeed there; other architectures might or might not need similar treatment as well. PR: 257520 Submitted by: maintainer (who is also upstream author)
3 lines
159 B
3 lines
159 B
TIMESTAMP = 1627745757
SHA256 (detroit-0.2.3.tar.xz) = b56f1f4b32eb3c39b428d944a05b65cd17a4328e1b6bb577bd5de1d9f0d55618
SIZE (detroit-0.2.3.tar.xz) = 22256400