Steven Kreuzer 762066df51
devel/R-cran-Hmisc: update to version 4.7-0
Changes in version 4.7-0 (2022-04-18)
  * properly closed html <a>
  * simPOcuts: new function to demonstrate variation in odds ratios due
      to random chance
  * R2Measures: new function to compute various pseudo R^2 measures
  * putHcap: added new capabilities around the subsub argument
  * print.summary.formula.response: added markdown argument
  * knitrSet: added rudimentary quarto support
  * knitrSet: sense figure labels of the form fig-... used by Quarto, and
      generate correct cross-reference
2022-05-07 17:00:00 +00:00

3 lines
153 B

TIMESTAMP = 1651939429
SHA256 (Hmisc_4.7-0.tar.gz) = 29ec2d9ca11c790c350e93323126bef4f498c69c41c31bb335fd04671e0f87bd
SIZE (Hmisc_4.7-0.tar.gz) = 790794