of the W3 CSS Validator application (http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/). With this package you can connect to a running instance of the validator and retrieve the validation results (true|false) as well as the errors and warnings for a a style sheet. WWW: http://pear.php.net/package/Services_W3C_CSSValidator/ PR: ports/119833 Submitted by: Ditesh Shashikant Gathani <ditesh at gathani.org>
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# Ports collection makefile for: pear-Services_W3C_CSSValidator:
# Date created: 21 Jan 2007
# Whom: Ditesh Shashikant Gathani <ditesh@gathani.org>
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= Services_W3C_CSSValidator
CATEGORIES= www pear
MAINTAINER= ditesh@gathani.org
COMMENT= PHP interface to W3C CSS Validator API
BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PEARDIR}/HTTP/Request.php:${PORTSDIR}/www/pear-HTTP_Request
RUN_DEPENDS= ${PEARDIR}/HTTP/Request.php:${PORTSDIR}/www/pear-HTTP_Request
CATEGORY= Services
FILES= CSSValidator.php CSSValidator/Error.php CSSValidator/Message.php \
CSSValidator/Response.php CSSValidator/Warning.php
TESTS= AllTests.php fragment.css Services_W3C_CSSValidatorTest.php
EXAMPLES= examples/foo.css examples/fragment.css examples/pear_manual.css \
examples/validate_atrules.php examples/validate_byfile.php \
examples/validate_byuri.php examples/validate_fragment.php
.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
.include "${PORTSDIR}/devel/pear/bsd.pear.mk"
.include <bsd.port.post.mk>