- Add OPTIONS AZURE, DOCKER, DOCS, GCE, EC2 - Chane PY requirements upto 3.7 - Take MAINTAINERSHIP Approved by: matthew (private mail)
334 lines
12 KiB
334 lines
12 KiB
--- setup.py.orig 2020-03-22 22:04:03 UTC
+++ setup.py
@@ -23,328 +23,7 @@
import setuptools
- import setuptools.command.dist_info
-except ImportError:
- """Setuptools version is too old."""
-ALL_STRING_TYPES = tuple(map(type, ('', b'', u'')))
-"""Minimal setuptools having good read_configuration implementation."""
-# Patch version can be a non integer value, like 'post20190705'
-RUNTIME_SETUPTOOLS_VERSION = tuple(map(int, setuptools.__version__.split('.')[:2]))
-"""Setuptools imported now."""
-def str_if_nested_or_str(s):
- """Turn input into a native string if possible."""
- if isinstance(s, ALL_STRING_TYPES):
- return str(s)
- if isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
- return type(s)(map(str_if_nested_or_str, s))
- if isinstance(s, (dict,)):
- return stringify_dict_contents(s)
- return s
-def stringify_dict_contents(dct):
- """Turn dict keys and values into native strings."""
- return {str_if_nested_or_str(k): str_if_nested_or_str(v) for k, v in dct.items()}
- from setuptools.config import read_configuration, ConfigOptionsHandler
- import setuptools.config
- import setuptools.dist
- # Set default value for 'use_scm_version'
- setattr(setuptools.dist.Distribution, 'use_scm_version', False)
- # Attach bool parser to 'use_scm_version' option
- class ShimConfigOptionsHandler(ConfigOptionsHandler):
- """Extension class for ConfigOptionsHandler."""
- @property
- def parsers(self):
- """Return an option mapping with default data type parsers."""
- _orig_parsers = super(ShimConfigOptionsHandler, self).parsers
- return dict(use_scm_version=self._parse_bool, **_orig_parsers)
- def parse_section_packages__find(self, section_options):
- find_kwargs = super(
- ShimConfigOptionsHandler, self
- ).parse_section_packages__find(section_options)
- return stringify_dict_contents(find_kwargs)
- setuptools.config.ConfigOptionsHandler = ShimConfigOptionsHandler
- """This is a shim for setuptools<required."""
- import functools
- import io
- import json
- import sys
- import warnings
- try:
- import setuptools.config
- def filter_out_unknown_section(i):
- def chi(self, *args, **kwargs):
- i(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.sections = {
- s: v for s, v in self.sections.items() if s != 'packages.find'
- }
- return chi
- setuptools.config.ConfigHandler.__init__ = filter_out_unknown_section(
- setuptools.config.ConfigHandler.__init__
- )
- except ImportError:
- pass
- def ignore_unknown_options(s):
- @functools.wraps(s)
- def sw(**attrs):
- try:
- ignore_warning_regex = (
- r"Unknown distribution option: "
- r"'(license_file|project_urls|python_requires)'"
- )
- warnings.filterwarnings(
- 'ignore',
- message=ignore_warning_regex,
- category=UserWarning,
- module='distutils.dist',
- )
- return s(**attrs)
- finally:
- warnings.resetwarnings()
- return sw
- def parse_predicates(python_requires):
- import itertools
- import operator
- sorted_operators_map = tuple(
- sorted(
- {
- '>': operator.gt,
- '<': operator.lt,
- '>=': operator.ge,
- '<=': operator.le,
- '==': operator.eq,
- '!=': operator.ne,
- '': operator.eq,
- }.items(),
- key=lambda i: len(i[0]),
- reverse=True,
- )
- )
- def is_decimal(s):
- return type(u'')(s).isdecimal()
- conditions = map(str.strip, python_requires.split(','))
- for c in conditions:
- for op_sign, op_func in sorted_operators_map:
- if not c.startswith(op_sign):
- continue
- raw_ver = itertools.takewhile(
- is_decimal, c[len(op_sign) :].strip().split('.')
- )
- ver = tuple(map(int, raw_ver))
- yield op_func, ver
- break
- def validate_required_python_or_fail(python_requires=None):
- if python_requires is None:
- return
- python_version = sys.version_info
- preds = parse_predicates(python_requires)
- for op, v in preds:
- py_ver_slug = python_version[: max(len(v), 3)]
- condition_matches = op(py_ver_slug, v)
- if not condition_matches:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "requires Python '{}' but the running Python is {}".format(
- python_requires, '.'.join(map(str, python_version[:3]))
- )
- )
- def verify_required_python_runtime(s):
- @functools.wraps(s)
- def sw(**attrs):
- try:
- validate_required_python_or_fail(attrs.get('python_requires'))
- except RuntimeError as re:
- sys.exit('{} {!s}'.format(attrs['name'], re))
- return s(**attrs)
- return sw
- setuptools.setup = ignore_unknown_options(setuptools.setup)
- setuptools.setup = verify_required_python_runtime(setuptools.setup)
- try:
- from configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
- except ImportError:
- from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
- ConfigParser.read_file = ConfigParser.readfp
- def maybe_read_files(d):
- """Read files if the string starts with `file:` marker."""
- FILE_FUNC_MARKER = 'file:'
- d = d.strip()
- if not d.startswith(FILE_FUNC_MARKER):
- return d
- descs = []
- for fname in map(str.strip, str(d[len(FILE_FUNC_MARKER) :]).split(',')):
- with io.open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as f:
- descs.append(f.read())
- return ''.join(descs)
- def cfg_val_to_list(v):
- """Turn config val to list and filter out empty lines."""
- return list(filter(bool, map(str.strip, str(v).strip().splitlines())))
- def cfg_val_to_dict(v):
- """Turn config val to dict and filter out empty lines."""
- return dict(
- map(
- lambda l: list(map(str.strip, l.split('=', 1))),
- filter(bool, map(str.strip, str(v).strip().splitlines())),
- )
- )
- def cfg_val_to_primitive(v):
- """Parse primitive config val to appropriate data type."""
- return json.loads(v.strip().lower())
- def read_configuration(filepath):
- """Read metadata and options from setup.cfg located at filepath."""
- cfg = ConfigParser()
- with io.open(filepath, encoding='utf-8') as f:
- cfg.read_file(f)
- md = dict(cfg.items('metadata'))
- for list_key in 'classifiers', 'keywords', 'project_urls':
- try:
- md[list_key] = cfg_val_to_list(md[list_key])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- md['long_description'] = maybe_read_files(md['long_description'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- opt = dict(cfg.items('options'))
- for list_key in 'include_package_data', 'use_scm_version', 'zip_safe':
- try:
- opt[list_key] = cfg_val_to_primitive(opt[list_key])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- for list_key in 'scripts', 'install_requires', 'setup_requires':
- try:
- opt[list_key] = cfg_val_to_list(opt[list_key])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- opt['package_dir'] = cfg_val_to_dict(opt['package_dir'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- opt_package_data = dict(cfg.items('options.package_data'))
- if not opt_package_data.get('', '').strip():
- opt_package_data[''] = opt_package_data['*']
- del opt_package_data['*']
- except (KeyError, NoSectionError):
- opt_package_data = {}
- try:
- opt_extras_require = dict(cfg.items('options.extras_require'))
- opt['extras_require'] = {}
- for k, v in opt_extras_require.items():
- opt['extras_require'][k] = cfg_val_to_list(v)
- except NoSectionError:
- pass
- opt['package_data'] = {}
- for k, v in opt_package_data.items():
- opt['package_data'][k] = cfg_val_to_list(v)
- try:
- opt_exclude_package_data = dict(cfg.items('options.exclude_package_data'))
- if (
- not opt_exclude_package_data.get('', '').strip()
- and '*' in opt_exclude_package_data
- ):
- opt_exclude_package_data[''] = opt_exclude_package_data['*']
- del opt_exclude_package_data['*']
- except NoSectionError:
- pass
- else:
- opt['exclude_package_data'] = {}
- for k, v in opt_exclude_package_data.items():
- opt['exclude_package_data'][k] = cfg_val_to_list(v)
- cur_pkgs = opt.get('packages', '').strip()
- if '\n' in cur_pkgs:
- opt['packages'] = cfg_val_to_list(opt['packages'])
- elif cur_pkgs.startswith('find:'):
- opt_packages_find = stringify_dict_contents(
- dict(cfg.items('options.packages.find'))
- )
- opt['packages'] = setuptools.find_packages(**opt_packages_find)
- return {'metadata': md, 'options': opt}
-def cut_local_version_on_upload(version):
- """Generate a PEP440 local version if uploading to PyPI."""
- import os
- import setuptools_scm.version # only present during setup time
- IS_PYPI_UPLOAD = os.getenv('PYPI_UPLOAD') == 'true' # set in tox.ini
- return (
- ''
- else setuptools_scm.version.get_local_node_and_date(version)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ setuptools.setup(
+ use_scm_version=True, setup_requires=["setuptools_scm"],
- class patched_dist_info(setuptools.command.dist_info.dist_info):
- def run(self):
- self.egg_base = str_if_nested_or_str(self.egg_base)
- return setuptools.command.dist_info.dist_info.run(self)
-declarative_setup_params = read_configuration('setup.cfg')
-"""Declarative metadata and options as read by setuptools."""
-setup_params = {}
-"""Explicit metadata for passing into setuptools.setup() call."""
-setup_params = dict(setup_params, **declarative_setup_params['metadata'])
-setup_params = dict(setup_params, **declarative_setup_params['options'])
- setup_params['cmdclass'] = {'dist_info': patched_dist_info}
-setup_params['use_scm_version'] = {'local_scheme': cut_local_version_on_upload}
-# Patch incorrectly decoded package_dir option
-# ``egg_info`` demands native strings failing with unicode under Python 2
-# Ref https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1136
-setup_params = stringify_dict_contents(setup_params)
-__name__ == '__main__' and setuptools.setup(**setup_params)