Jason W. Bacon d7784cdd16 science/packmol: Pack molecules in defined regions of space
PACKMOL creates an initial point for molecular dynamics simulations by packing
molecules in defined regions of space. The packing guarantees that short range
repulsive interactions do not disrupt the simulations.
2019-09-22 19:06:43 +00:00

343 lines
8.2 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Scientific ports
SUBDIR += 2d-rewriter
SUBDIR += InsightToolkit
SUBDIR += R-cran-DCluster
SUBDIR += R-cran-Epi
SUBDIR += R-cran-bayesm
SUBDIR += R-cran-cmprsk
SUBDIR += R-cran-e1071
SUBDIR += R-cran-eco
SUBDIR += R-cran-epicalc
SUBDIR += R-cran-etm
SUBDIR += R-cran-fastICA
SUBDIR += R-cran-kernlab
SUBDIR += R-cran-snow
SUBDIR += R-cran-som
SUBDIR += R-cran-udunits2
SUBDIR += abinit
SUBDIR += afni
SUBDIR += agrum
SUBDIR += aircraft-datcom
SUBDIR += antioch
SUBDIR += apbs
SUBDIR += atom
SUBDIR += atompaw
SUBDIR += avogadro2
SUBDIR += avogadrolibs
SUBDIR += bagel
SUBDIR += bddsolve
SUBDIR += berkeleygw
SUBDIR += bodr
SUBDIR += brian
SUBDIR += buddy
SUBDIR += cdcl
SUBDIR += cdf
SUBDIR += cdo
SUBDIR += cgnslib
SUBDIR += cgribex
SUBDIR += checkmol
SUBDIR += chemical-mime-data
SUBDIR += chemps2
SUBDIR += chemtool
SUBDIR += chemtool-devel
SUBDIR += chrono
SUBDIR += clhep
SUBDIR += clipper
SUBDIR += code_saturne
SUBDIR += colt
SUBDIR += coordgenlibs
SUBDIR += coot
SUBDIR += cp2k
SUBDIR += cp2k-data
SUBDIR += crf++
SUBDIR += dalton
SUBDIR += datawarrior
SUBDIR += dcl
SUBDIR += devisor
SUBDIR += dftbplus
SUBDIR += dkh
SUBDIR += dlib-cpp
SUBDIR += dlpoly-classic
SUBDIR += drawxtl
SUBDIR += dvc
SUBDIR += eccodes
SUBDIR += elk
SUBDIR += epte
SUBDIR += erd
SUBDIR += erkale
SUBDIR += erkale-pseudopotentials
SUBDIR += esys-particle
SUBDIR += fastcap
SUBDIR += fasthenry
SUBDIR += fisicalab
SUBDIR += fleur
SUBDIR += fsom
SUBDIR += fvcom
SUBDIR += fvcom-mpi
SUBDIR += gabedit
SUBDIR += gamess-us
SUBDIR += gchemutils
SUBDIR += gdma
SUBDIR += getdp
SUBDIR += ghemical
SUBDIR += ghmm
SUBDIR += gnudatalanguage
SUBDIR += gpaw-setups
SUBDIR += gramps
SUBDIR += grib_api
SUBDIR += gromacs
SUBDIR += gsmc
SUBDIR += gtamsanalyzer
SUBDIR += gwyddion
SUBDIR += h5utils
SUBDIR += h5z-zfp
SUBDIR += harminv
SUBDIR += hdf
SUBDIR += hdf5
SUBDIR += hdf5-18
SUBDIR += healpix
SUBDIR += hypre
SUBDIR += iboview
SUBDIR += isaac-cfd
SUBDIR += jdftx
SUBDIR += jmol
SUBDIR += jstrack
SUBDIR += kalzium
SUBDIR += kim-api
SUBDIR += kst2
SUBDIR += lammps
SUBDIR += lamprop
SUBDIR += latte
SUBDIR += libaec
SUBDIR += libccp4
SUBDIR += libcint
SUBDIR += libctl
SUBDIR += libefp
SUBDIR += libgeodecomp
SUBDIR += libghemical
SUBDIR += libgridxc
SUBDIR += libint
SUBDIR += libint2
SUBDIR += libkml
SUBDIR += liblinear
SUBDIR += libmsym
SUBDIR += liboglappth
SUBDIR += libquantum
SUBDIR += libssm
SUBDIR += libsvm
SUBDIR += libsvm-python
SUBDIR += libvdwxc
SUBDIR += libxc
SUBDIR += liggghts
SUBDIR += lm
SUBDIR += luscus
SUBDIR += madness
SUBDIR += maeparser
SUBDIR += massxpert
SUBDIR += mbdyn
SUBDIR += mcstas
SUBDIR += mcstas-comps
SUBDIR += mcxtrace
SUBDIR += mcxtrace-comps
SUBDIR += mdynamix
SUBDIR += medit
SUBDIR += meep
SUBDIR += metaf2xml
SUBDIR += metaphysicl
SUBDIR += minc2
SUBDIR += mmdb2
SUBDIR += mmtf-cpp
SUBDIR += mol2ps
SUBDIR += molgif
SUBDIR += molscript
SUBDIR += molsketch
SUBDIR += mpb
SUBDIR += mpqc
SUBDIR += msms
SUBDIR += multiwfn
SUBDIR += namd
SUBDIR += ncnn
SUBDIR += nest
SUBDIR += netcdf
SUBDIR += netcdf-cxx
SUBDIR += netcdf-fortran
SUBDIR += nifticlib
SUBDIR += nwchem
SUBDIR += nwchem-data
SUBDIR += octopus
SUBDIR += openbabel
SUBDIR += openkim
SUBDIR += openkim-models
SUBDIR += openmx
SUBDIR += opensim-core
SUBDIR += opensph
SUBDIR += opsin
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVMLight
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-3DBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Bond-Find
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Canonicalize
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Elements
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-MDLMol
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-Mopac
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-PDB
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SLN
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SMARTS
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-SMILES
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-VRML
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-File-XYZ
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-FormulaPattern
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-InternalCoords
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Isotope
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-MacroMol
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-MidasPattern
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Mok
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Mol
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Pattern
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Reaction
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Ring
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter-iArea
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-ReadGRIB
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-WebService-Elevation-USGS
SUBDIR += p5-Mcstas-Tools
SUBDIR += p5-PerlMol
SUBDIR += p5-Physics-Unit
SUBDIR += packmol
SUBDIR += pagmo2
SUBDIR += paje
SUBDIR += paraview
SUBDIR += pcmsolver
SUBDIR += pnetcdf
SUBDIR += psychopy
SUBDIR += pulseview
SUBDIR += py-DendroPy
SUBDIR += py-GPy
SUBDIR += py-GPyOpt
SUBDIR += py-MDAnalysis
SUBDIR += py-MDAnalysisTests
SUBDIR += py-OpenFermion
SUBDIR += py-PyQuante
SUBDIR += py-ScientificPython
SUBDIR += py-SimpleSpectral
SUBDIR += py-abipy
SUBDIR += py-asdf
SUBDIR += py-ase
SUBDIR += py-avogadrolibs
SUBDIR += py-cdo
SUBDIR += py-chainer
SUBDIR += py-chainer-chemistry
SUBDIR += py-chempy
SUBDIR += py-coards
SUBDIR += py-dlib
SUBDIR += py-eccodes-python
SUBDIR += py-geometer
SUBDIR += py-gpaw
SUBDIR += py-gsd
SUBDIR += py-h5py
SUBDIR += py-hcluster
SUBDIR += py-kinematics
SUBDIR += py-lifelines
SUBDIR += py-mdp
SUBDIR += py-mlpy
SUBDIR += py-mmtf-python
SUBDIR += py-molmod
SUBDIR += py-netCDF4
SUBDIR += py-obspy
SUBDIR += py-oddt
SUBDIR += py-openpiv
SUBDIR += py-paida
SUBDIR += py-paramz
SUBDIR += py-phono3py
SUBDIR += py-phonopy
SUBDIR += py-pupynere
SUBDIR += py-pyaixi
SUBDIR += py-pydicom
SUBDIR += py-pygeodesy
SUBDIR += py-pymatgen
SUBDIR += py-pymol
SUBDIR += py-pyosf
SUBDIR += py-pysal
SUBDIR += py-pyteomics
SUBDIR += py-pyteomics.biolccc
SUBDIR += py-qcelemental
SUBDIR += py-qcengine
SUBDIR += py-qspin
SUBDIR += py-quantities
SUBDIR += py-rmf
SUBDIR += py-rmsd
SUBDIR += py-ruffus
SUBDIR += py-scikit-fuzzy
SUBDIR += py-scikit-learn
SUBDIR += py-scikit-sparse
SUBDIR += py-scimath
SUBDIR += py-scipy
SUBDIR += py-scoria
SUBDIR += py-spglib
SUBDIR += py-tensorflow
SUBDIR += py-tensorflow-estimator
SUBDIR += py-veusz
SUBDIR += py-ws2300
SUBDIR += pybrain
SUBDIR += pycdf
SUBDIR += pynn
SUBDIR += qbox
SUBDIR += qcl
SUBDIR += qmcpack
SUBDIR += quantum-espresso
SUBDIR += quantum-espresso-pseudopotentials
SUBDIR += qwalk
SUBDIR += rdkit
SUBDIR += rmf
SUBDIR += rubygem-ai4r
SUBDIR += rubygem-cdo
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-geojson
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-proj4
SUBDIR += rubygem-rgeo-shapefile
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-dcl
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-netcdf
SUBDIR += scidavis
SUBDIR += siesta
SUBDIR += sigrok-cli
SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware
SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw
SUBDIR += sigrok-firmware-utils
SUBDIR += silo
SUBDIR += simbody
SUBDIR += simgrid
SUBDIR += simint
SUBDIR += simlib
SUBDIR += simsmith
SUBDIR += smoldyn
SUBDIR += sparta
SUBDIR += spglib
SUBDIR += step
SUBDIR += svmlight
SUBDIR += szip
SUBDIR += teem
SUBDIR += tfel
SUBDIR += tinker
SUBDIR += udunits
SUBDIR += v_sim
SUBDIR += vipster
SUBDIR += vmd
SUBDIR += voro++
SUBDIR += wannier90
SUBDIR += wwplot
SUBDIR += wxmacmolplt
SUBDIR += xcrysden
SUBDIR += xdrawchem
SUBDIR += xfce4-equake-plugin
SUBDIR += xmakemol
SUBDIR += yoda
.include <>