Nicola Vitale 31eb14dc63 - Update to 2.2.0
- Add a note to files/ about upgrading to 2.2.0
2008-12-07 17:13:03 +00:00

62 lines
1.7 KiB

Minimal setup
1. Make sure your mysql-server is running
2. Create an account and a database on the MySQL server
# mysqladmin -u root -p create mkgichessclub
(in mysql root's password is empty unless you have set it in advance).
3. Create a mysql user/password for the mkgichessclub database:
(change user and/or password if required)
# mysql -u root -p
mysql> GRANT ALL ON mkgichessclub.* TO mkgichessclub@localhost
IDENTIFIED BY 'mkgichessclubpassword';
mysql> QUIT;
4. Run the create_database.sql script to create all the tables.
# mysql mkgichessclub < %%DATADIR%%/create_database.sql
5. Run the insert_initial_data.sql script to populate the database.
# mysql mkgichessclub < %%DATADIR%%/insert_initial_data.sql
6. Copy
Open it and customise it to match your settings.
7. Add the following to your apache config (or a similar directive if
you use another web server), and restart.
# Directives to allow use of mkgichessclub
Alias /mkgichessclub/ "%%WWWDIR%%/"
8. Open MKGI Chess Club page in your web browser
Upgrading to 2.2.0 from version 2.1.0
1. You have to alter the SQL tables with the command
mysql _mkgichessclub_ < %%DATADIR%%/db_migrate_2.1_to_2.2.sql
where _mkgichessclub_ is the database name chosen during the
installation of the port.