it enabled by default to avoid a regression in the science/orthanc unit tests. Set USES=iconv whenever ICONV is enabled, rather than only when ICU is disabled. With the default option settings, this will bring in converters/iconv on FreeBSD 9, which will unbreak the failing unit tests in science/orthanc. At least one of the ICONV or ICU options must be set. Fix PR 198658 in the default case by setting BJAM_ARGS+=-sICONV_PATH=${ICONV_PREFIX} whenever iconv support is enabled, not only when ICU is disabled as was done in r398027 (before that was broken by r398060 and fixed again in the ports framework by r398258). Pet portlint. PR: 198658
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Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
The emphasis is on libraries that work well with the C++ Standard
Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable
across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages
both commercial and non-commercial use.
The goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference
implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual
standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++
Standards Committee's Library Technical Report (TR1) and will be in
the new C++0x Standard now being finalized. C++0x will also include
several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost
libraries are proposed for TR2.
NOTE: This package does not contain Boost.Python, it's in