John Marino 79524080f9 Add new port devel/pragmarcs
PragmAda Reusable Components (PragmARCs) from PragmAda S/W Engineering
Provides basic to high-level reusable components to reduce requirements
to write new code by 50%.  An non-comprehensive component list:

 * ANSI TTY control      * Assertion handler      * Assignment
 * Unbounded bags        * Binary searcher        * Binary semaphores
 * Regex matcher         * Complex numbers        * Date handler
 * Card deck handler     * Concurrent forwarder   * Genetic algorithm
 * New getline           * fast string hashing    * Extended num. images
 * Signed int. images    * Least squares fitting  * Linear eq. solver
 * Bounded lists         * Unbounded lists        * Extended maths
 * GCD/LCM Int. functs   * Generic math functs    * Matrix maths
 * Text menu handler     * Min/Max functions      * Mix case converter
 * Concurrent monitor    * Postfix calculator     * Protected options
 * Bounded queues        * Blocking queues        * Quick searcher
 * Generic Regex         * REM neural network     * Safe pointers
 * Safe suspension       * Safe semaphores        * Discrete operations
 * Skip lists            * Generic heap sort      * Generic insert sort
 * Quick in-place sort   * Generic radix sort     * General stacks
 * 3-way comparisons     * Random Num. generator  * and more!
2016-03-04 14:57:38 +00:00

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1.3 KiB

PragmAda Reusable Components (PragmARCs) from PragmAda S/W Engineering
Provides basic to high-level reusable components to reduce requirements
to write new code by 50%. An non-comprehensive component list:
* ANSI TTY control * Assertion handler * Assignment
* Unbounded bags * Binary searcher * Binary semaphores
* Regex matcher * Complex numbers * Date handler
* Card deck handler * Concurrent forwarder * Genetic algorithm
* New getline * fast string hashing * Extended num. images
* Signed int. images * Least squares fitting * Linear eq. solver
* Bounded lists * Unbounded lists * Extended maths
* GCD/LCM Int. functs * Generic math functs * Matrix maths
* Text menu handler * Min/Max functions * Mix case converter
* Concurrent monitor * Postfix calculator * Protected options
* Bounded queues * Blocking queues * Quick searcher
* Generic Regex * REM neural network * Safe pointers
* Safe suspension * Safe semaphores * Discrete operations
* Skip lists * Generic heap sort * Generic insert sort
* Quick in-place sort * Generic radix sort * General stacks
* 3-way comparisons * Random Num. generator * and more!