. add recognition of the BSD-specific SIGINFO signal (to be submitted to authors); . avoid even extracting the compat/ subdirectory for fear of picking up a wrong declaration for a function defined in a system library; . force to use the system strstr() instead of building TCL's own (from compat/strstr.c); . similarly, use the system memmove() instead of the (identical) bcopy; . run the vendor's tests as part of the build -- the test failures are not fatal, but may help investigate problems; . fix up the two failing tests so that none currently fail on my two test systems (FreeBSD-6.1-STABLE i386 and amd64) (fixes submitted to authors); . quiet down the noisy warning, triggered in the thread-case by the re-#define of inet_ntoa() in tclUnixPort.h. Bump PORTREVISION.
21 lines
834 B
21 lines
834 B
Don't fail, when the tester's home directory (or any sub-path
thereof) is a symbolic link...
--- ../tests/fCmd.test Sun Mar 19 17:47:30 2006
+++ ../tests/fCmd.test Tue Jun 27 14:13:53 2006
@@ -578,5 +578,5 @@
} {1 {error copying "td2" to "~/td1/td2": permission denied}}
test fCmd-6.26 {CopyRenameOneFile: doesn't use original name} \
- {unixOnly notRoot} {
+ -constraints {unixOnly notRoot} -match regexp -body {
file mkdir ~/td1/td2
@@ -587,5 +587,5 @@
file delete -force ~/td1
set msg
-} "1 {error copying \"~/td1\" to \"td1\": \"[file join [file dirname ~] [file tail ~] td1 td2]\": permission denied}"
+} -result "1 {error copying \"~/td1\" to \"td1\": \".*[file join td1 td2]\": permission denied}"
test fCmd-6.27 {CopyRenameOneFile: TclpCopyDirectory failed} \
{unixOnly notRoot xdev} {