Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez 60bc02573e - New ports: games/fretsonfire and games/fretsonfire-data
Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fast fingers. The aim of the game
is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible.

2006-10-03 17:42:13 +00:00

11 lines
979 B

--- src/ Tue Oct 3 09:25:05 2006
+++ src/ Tue Oct 3 09:25:33 2006
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
Config.define("engine", "tickrate", float, 1.0)
Config.define("game", "uploadscores", bool, False, text = "Upload Highscores", options = {False: "No", True: "Yes"})
Config.define("game", "uploadurl", str, "")
-Config.define("video", "fullscreen", bool, True, text = "Fullscreen Mode", options = {False: "No", True: "Yes"})
+Config.define("video", "fullscreen", bool, False, text = "Fullscreen Mode", options = {False: "No", True: "Yes"})
Config.define("video", "multisamples", int, 4, text = "Antialiasing Quality", options = {0: "None", 2: "2x", 4: "4x", 6: "6x", 8: "8x"})
Config.define("video", "resolution", str, "640x480")
Config.define("video", "fps", int, 80, text = "Frames per Second", options = dict([(n, n) for n in range(0, 120)]))