*) apr_dir_read: [Unix] Dropped the preference of the dirread_r() flavor for dirread(), because the former is both deprecated and unneeded. [Yann Ylavic, William Rowe] *) apr_file_info: [Win32 only] Treat only "name surrogate" reparse points as symlinks, and not other reparse tag types. PR47630 [Oleg Liatte <olegliatte gmail.com>] *) Test %ld vs. %lld to avoid compiler emits using APR_OFF_T_FMT, in the case of apparently equivilant long and long long types. [William Rowe] *) Recognize APPLE predefined macros as equivilant to DARWIN. [Jim Jagielski] *) Signals: Allow handling of SIGUSR2 in apr_signal_thread. [Yann Ylavic] *) Atomics: Support for 64bit ints. [Jim Jagielski] *) Add the apr_encode_* API that implements RFC4648 and RFC7515 compliant BASE64, BASE64URL, BASE32, BASE32HEX and BASE16 encode/decode functions. [Graham Leggett] *) rand: Use arc4random_buf() on BSD platforms and getrandom() on Linux, when available. [Christian Weisgerber <naddy openbsd.org, Yann Ylavic] *) Add apr_sockaddr_zone_set, apr_sockaddr_zone_set to set and retrieve the zone for link-local IPv6 addresses. [Joe Orton] *) apr_sockaddr_equal: Compare link-local IPv6 addresses with different zones as not equal. [Joe Orton] *) apr_sockaddr_ip_getbuf, apr_sockaddr_ip_get: Append "%zone" for IPv6 link-local addresses. [Joe Orton] *) Locks: add a --disable-timedlocks config option in case users encounter more platforms where it fails [Nick Kew]. *) apr_allocator, apr_pools: Add apr_allocator_page_size() and apr_allocator_min_order_set() to respectively get the (system's) page size in use and set the minimum allocation size for an allocator (expressed in 2^order pages). [Yann Ylavic] *) locks: provide portable implementations of timedlock()s for posix-sems, sysv-sems and pthreads for those platforms that lack native versions (eg: OSX/macOS). [Jim Jagielski] *) locks: Introduce apr_{thread,proc,global}_mutex_timedlock(). [Yann Ylavic] - Add PORTVERSION (with svn mv) to relevant patches to make it easier for maintaining PR: 239382 Sponsored by: Netzkommune GmbH Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D21073
5 lines
286 B
5 lines
286 B
TIMESTAMP = 1564990523
SHA256 (apr-1.7.0.tar.gz) = 48e9dbf45ae3fdc7b491259ffb6ccf7d63049ffacbc1c0977cced095e4c2d5a2
SIZE (apr-1.7.0.tar.gz) = 1093896
SHA256 (apr-util-1.6.1.tar.gz) = b65e40713da57d004123b6319828be7f1273fbc6490e145874ee1177e112c459
SIZE (apr-util-1.6.1.tar.gz) = 554301