East const New -E/--east-const command-line and east-const set options to use "east const" in gibberish: cdecl> declare x as const int int const x; Correct scope names for nested types Previously, scope names for nested types were always printed as "of scope"; now they print the type of scope (class, struct, union, or namespace): c++decl> struct S { typedef int Int; }; c++decl> explain S::Int x declare x as Int of structure S Declare const/volatile user-defined conversion operators Can now declare const/volatile user-defined conversion operators. no_unique_address Added support for the [[no_unique_address]] attribute in C++20. Typename Now allowing typename in declarations (even though it's not needed): struct S { typedef int I; }; explain typename S::I x typedef typename S::I T throw() deprecated/removed throw() has been deprecated starting with C++11 and removed in C++20. Fixed unknown type in typedef Fixed a crash caused by a case like: define S as struct S explain S::T x |
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