- do not require files given on command line are regular files, but accept any non-directory (for instance, symlinks). Workaround for previous versions: use --no-find if you intend to look up non-regular files.
451 lines
12 KiB
451 lines
12 KiB
#! /usr/local/bin/perl -W
eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; #$running_under_some_shell
=head1 NAME
pkgs_which - Quickly find packages where trees of files got installed
pkgs_which [-oqvsd] {dir|file} [...]
pkgs_which {-h|-?|--help}
pkgs_which --man
=head1 OPTIONS
--origins, -o print package origins instead of names
--quiet, -q only print actual package names
--verbose, -v also print unmatched files
--sort, -s sort package and file lists
--[no-]cacheall read and cache all package file lists first
--[no-]find descend directories on the command line [default]
--debug, -d emit additional debug information on stderr
--help, -h, -? print a brief help message and quit
--man show the full full documentation and quit
Long options can be abbreviated to the shortest unambiguous string.
Short options can be bundled (Example: pkgs_which -qo ...).
pkgs_which is a tool to efficiently look up which FreeBSD ports or
packages installed the files on its command line, or the files in the
directories on the command line.
=item * accepts files on the command line, which are looked up directly,
=item * accepts directories on the command line, which are
recursively scanned for regular files, which are then looked up,
=item * accepts an arbitrary mix of files and directories on the command
=item * prints each port or package only once,
=item * prints port/package names by default, but can print origins
instead (--origins option).
=item * supports a "quiet" mode that emits output suitable for scripting
and shell command expansion (see EXAMPLES below)
=item * is optimized for efficient bulk lookups of data without
assistance of an on-disk database.
It is most useful for quickly obtaining a list of site-packages that
need to be reinstalled after upgrading a script language interpreter to
a new version that uses new directories for its site-packages, for
instance, after a Python 2.6 => 2.7 or Perl 5.10 => 5.12 upgrade, and is
a good companion to L<portmaster>(8).
pkgs_which uses pkg_info -L to accelerate the process. It first obtains
a list of all files, looks at a random one, looks up the corresponding
package and records its name, and then purges all files belonging to it
before looking up the next file.
pkgs_which does not spawn subshells for pkg_info for security reasons,
and makes sure to launder the pkg_info output.
The --cacheall option (default on) makes pkgs_which read all package
file lists upon start. This takes a few seconds on a GHz-class computer
but voids the need to run pkg_info -W often later on.
For looking up very few files, it is more efficient to use --no-cacheall.
pkgs_which performs a similar task to L<pkg_which>(1) that is part of
the ports-mgmt/portupgrade port, but unlike the latter, it does not
require a database, and is optimized for bulk lookups of entire
directory trees.
L<portmaster>(8) is a tool written by Doug Barton to upgrade installed
ports and their dependencies that does not require port/package
require 5.008_000;
use strict;
use English '-no_match_vars';
use vars qw($UID $GID $EUID $EGID);
use File::Find ();
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use Pod::Usage;
# Use a safe path
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin';
# Where pkg_info lives
my $PKG_INFO = '/usr/sbin/pkg_info';
my $PKGNG = '/usr/local/sbin/pkg';
my $PKGNGDB = '/var/db/pkg/local.sqlite';
# Which regexp to use for laundering tainted file
# and package names - note that this must not be let
# near a shell as it contains glob characters!
my $UNTAINT = qr|^([()[\]{}\-+@\w.,/\$%!=~:^ *?]+)$|o;
# Default for cacheall.
my $cacheall = 1;
my $rc = 0;
my $PKGNG_MODE = 0;
if (-e $PKGNG and -e $PKGNGDB) { $PKGNG_MODE = 1; }
# Clean environment a bit
# parse options
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
my $origins = 0;
my $sort = 0;
my $find = 1;
GetOptions('help|h|?' => \$help,
'man' => \$man,
'cacheall!' => \$cacheall,
'debug|d' => \$debug,
'origins|o' => \$origins,
'quiet|q' => sub { $quiet = 1; $verbose = 0;},
'sort|s' => \$sort,
'verbose|v' => sub { $verbose ++; $quiet = 0; },
'find|f!' => \$find)
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
unless (@ARGV) {
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 1,
-verbose => 0,
-message => "You must give a file or directory on the command line.");
# listing all files from pkgNG is quite slow, so avoid
if ($PKGNG_MODE and $cacheall) { $cacheall = 0; }
# declare subroutines
sub wanted;
sub debug;
sub safebacktick(@);
sub readcache();
sub readorigins();
my $pf2p;
my $pfiles;
my $pogn;
my $pall;
my $pallomap;
my $pfilesmulti;
if ($PKGNG_MODE) {
$pf2p = sub ($) { return safebacktick($PKGNG, 'which', '-q', $_[0]); };
$pfiles = sub ($) { return safebacktick($PKGNG, 'info', '-ql', $_[0]); };
$pogn = sub ($) { return safebacktick($PKGNG, 'info', '-qo', $_[0]); };
$pall = sub () { return safebacktick($PKGNG, 'info', '-q'); };
$pallomap = sub () { return map { s/\s+/:/; $_; }
safebacktick($PKGNG, 'info', '-o', '-a'); };
$pfilesmulti = sub (@) { return safebacktick($PKGNG, 'info', '-l', @_); };
} else {
$pf2p = sub ($) { return safebacktick($PKG_INFO, '-qGW', $_[0]); };
$pfiles = sub ($) { return safebacktick($PKG_INFO, '-qGL', $_[0]); };
$pogn = sub ($) { return safebacktick($PKG_INFO, '-qGo', $_[0]); };
$pall = sub () { return safebacktick($PKG_INFO, '-EG', '-a'); };
$pallomap = sub () { return safebacktick($PKG_INFO, '-QGoa'); };
$pfilesmulti = sub (@) { return safebacktick($PKG_INFO, '-QGL', @_); };
# define variables
my %ufiles = ();
my @pkgs = ();
my $wantsort = $sort ? sub { return sort @_; }
: sub { return @_; };
# Validate @ARGV
my $idx = 0;
while ($idx <= $#ARGV) {
if (lstat($ARGV[$idx]) > 0) {
} else {
warn "Cannot stat $ARGV[$idx]: $!, skipping";
delete $ARGV[$idx]; # leaves indices stable
$rc = 1;
# Obtain file list
if ($find) {
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted,
no_chdir => 1,
untaint => 1},
} else {
foreach my $i (@ARGV) {
$i =~ qr|^([-+@\w./]+)$|;
$ufiles{$1} = 1;
my @notfound=(); # to record files not matched
# Obtain package info if desired
my ($f2p, $pfl) = readcache() if $cacheall;
my %p2o = readorigins() if $cacheall and $origins;
my $f;
# main loop here:
# - pick random file from hash,
# - look up the package name (from hash or with pkg_info)
# - look up list of files in package
# - purge all files recorded as belonging to package from the hash
while ($f = each %ufiles) {
# Find package for file $f and store in $p:
debug "matching $f\n";
my $p = $cacheall ? $$f2p{$f} : &$pf2p($f);
if (!$p) {
debug "file $f not in packages\n";
push @notfound, $f;
delete $ufiles{$f};
chomp $p;
if ($p !~ $UNTAINT) {
warn "tainted package name $p, skipping\n";
} else {
$p = $1; # laundered
debug "got package $p\n";
# Obtain file list for package and purge from %ufiles:
push @pkgs, $p;
my @pf = $cacheall ? @{$$pfl{$p}} : &$pfiles($p);
chomp @pf;
debug "deleting files @pf\n";
delete @ufiles{@pf};
keys %ufiles; # reset hash iterator without overhead (void context)
# If desired, map package names to package origins:
if ($origins) {
if ($cacheall) {
@pkgs = map { $_ = $p2o{$_}; } @pkgs;
} else {
@pkgs = map { $_ = &$pogn($_); chomp $_; $_; } @pkgs;
# Output:
print "Packages:\n" unless $quiet;
print join("\n", &$wantsort(@pkgs)), "\n";
print "\n" unless $quiet;
if ($verbose) {
print "Unmatched files:\n", join("\n", &$wantsort(@notfound)), "\n\n";
exit $rc;
# Subroutines ########################################################
# wanted - used for File::Find as it traverses the tree,
# we populate %ufiles.
sub wanted {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid);
if ((($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) && ! -d _)
# only record clean names
if ($_ =~ $UNTAINT and $1) {
$ufiles{$1} = 1;
} else {
debug "skipping tainted file name $_";
# if $debug is set, print a debug banner and the arguments to STDERR
sub debug {
print STDERR "DEBUG: ", @_ if $debug;
# safe variant of @foo = `command` - doesn't invoke a shell.
sub safebacktick(@) {
my @args = @_;
my @data = ();
my $pid;
die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined($pid = open(KID, "-|"));
if ($pid) {
@data = <KID>;
close KID
or warn $! ? "Error reading from kid: $!"
: "Exit status $? from kid";
} else {
debug "running '", join("' '", @args), "'\n";
exec { $args[0] } @args;
return wantarray ? @data : $data[0];
# build a hash of file-to-package
# and a hash of package-to-filelist (contains array references)
# and return references to either.
sub readcache() {
my %f2p = (); # file-to-package hash (string, string)
my %pfl = (); # package-files hash (string, array)
my @pkgs = map { $_ =~ $UNTAINT; $1; } &$pall();
my $n = scalar @pkgs;
debug "subreadcache: got $n packages.\n";
# Request file lists of so many packages at once, to save the
# overhead of forking and executing pkg_info and its initialization.
# This speeds up things by an order of magnitude or so.
my $chunksize = 100;
while (my @p = splice(@pkgs, 0, $chunksize)) {
my @fl = &$pfilesmulti(@p);
chomp @fl;
my $pkg;
map {
$_ =~ $UNTAINT;
while (s|^([^/:]+:)||o) {
$pkg = $1;
$pkg =~ s/:$//; # strip trailing colon
if ($_) { # file name
if ($pkg) { $f2p{$_} = $pkg; push @{$pfl{$pkg}}, $_;}
else { warn "pkg_info fault, missed package prefix before line $_."; }
} elsif ($_ ne '') {
warn "tainted file name in $pkg: $_";
} @fl;
debug "subreadcache: got ", scalar keys %f2p, " files.\n";
return (\%f2p, \%pfl);
# build a hash of package-to-origin and return it
sub readorigins() {
my %p2o = ();
my @ol = &$pallomap();
chomp @ol;
my ($k, $v);
map { $_ =~ $UNTAINT;
($k, $v) = split /:/,$_,2;
$p2o{$k} = $v;
} @ol;
return %p2o;
Obtain the sorted list of all packages that installed at least one file under
pkgs_which --sort /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages
Upgrade all packages that installed at least one file under
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages (this assumes a Bourne-shell such
as sh, ash, ksh, bash):
portmaster -d $(pkgs_which -qo /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages)
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<pkg_info>(8), L<portmaster>(8), L<portupgrade>(8), L<pkg_which>(8)
=head1 HISTORY
0.4.1 2014-02-11
- do not require files given on command line are regular files,
but accept any non-directory (for instance, symlinks).
Workaround for previous versions: use --no-find if you intend to
look up non-regular files.
0.4.0 2013-11-28
- support pkgNG. Known issue is that pkg which returns bogus exit
codes, spamming your screen. pkgs_which works nonetheless.
Note that pkgNG always uses --nocache implictly for speed:
Known issue: the pkgNG detection is a hack. It just looks for the
executable and the database in default locations, but does not
attempt to run "pkg -N".
0.3.0 2013-03-11
- read pkg_info -L information in chunks of 100 packages at a time,
to avoid forking once per package, which was slow.
0.2.0 2011-07-25
- fixed a bug where skipping non-existent command line arguments
failed and resulted in an unterminated (endless) loop.
- added the --no-find option
0.1.0 2011-03-12
- pkgs_which made its first appearance in the FreeBSD ports tree
The current CVS Version tag is:
=head1 AUTHORS
Copyright 2011, 2013 Matthias Andree <mandree@FreeBSD.org>.
All rights reserved. This script is exclusively licensed under the GNU
General Public License version 3, or any later version.