Adjusted for ports rescued since r534032 2020-05-05 audio/festvox-czech: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 audio/gkrellmvolume2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 audio/mixmos: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 audio/mma: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 audio/pd-cyclone: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 audio/shorten: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 audio/taglib-sharp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 audio/xhippo: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 biology/consed: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 biology/plinkseq: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 biology/seqtools: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 biology/t_coffee: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 biology/ugene: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 comms/ath3k-firmware: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 comms/geoid: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 comms/jerm: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 comms/yaac: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 converters/dumpasn1: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/elixir-exredis: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/hamsterdb: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/memcacheq: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/mysql++1: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/mysql++3: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/mysql2odbc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/mysqlidxchk: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/p5-DBIx-Ease: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/p5-DMOZ-ParseRDF: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/pear-DoctrineORM: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/pear-MDB2_Driver_mysql: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBQuery: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBTable: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DataObject: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_MDB2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/pgagent: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 databases/useracc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 deskutils/devd-notifier: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 deskutils/sugarcrm: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 deskutils/tine20: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 deskutils/tomboy-plugin-latex: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 deskutils/tomboy-plugin-todo: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 deskutils/wyrd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 deskutils/xrolo: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 devel/autodist: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/bouml-doc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/cobf: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/djgpp-crx: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/elfrc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/frink: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/gogland-eap: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/hive: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-04-01 devel/hs-bytestring-nums: No releases since 2012 2020-05-05 devel/iz: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/jfrog-cli: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/libcfg: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/libdispatch: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/libjson++: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/libmonetra: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/libol: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/libserver: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/lua-MessagePack: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/mercurialeclipse: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/mime: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/motor: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/mq4cpp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/myrepos: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/notify-sharp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/oozie: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/p5-Cdk: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/p5-Data-Average: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/p5-Range-String: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/p5-Shape: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/pear-PHP_CodeBrowser: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/pear-PHP_Depend: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/pear-PHP_PMD: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/pear-TheSeer_phpDox: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/picp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/pig: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/pty: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/py-libiocage: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/py-lock_file: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/py-pyev: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/rpm-spec-mode.el: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/simple_components: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/tcloo: Tcl/Tk 8.5 is nearing EOL, please consider porting to Tcl/Tk 8.6 2020-05-05 devel/tkmerge: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/toh: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 devel/visualparadigm: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 dns/autotrust: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 dns/gdnsd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 dns/p5-Stanford-DNSserver: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 dns/zonecheck: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 editors/omegaT: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 finance/cbb: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 ftp/llnlxdir: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 ftp/llnlxftp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/adom: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/bsdrain: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/bunnysay: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/castlevox: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/gnarr: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/hohlin: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/hoichess: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/kajaani-kombat: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/linux-enemyterritory-jaymod-21: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/linux-enemyterritory-omni-bot: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/linux-enemyterritory-omni-bot-0660: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/nadar: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/nxengine: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/oneko: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/seahaven: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/sudoku_solver: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/tetrons: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/xpenguins: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 games/xvmahjongg: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 games/xvmines: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 graphics/EZWGL: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 graphics/kix-kmod: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 graphics/mhgui: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 graphics/mmrecover: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 hungarian/hu-phone: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 hungarian/hu-zipcodes: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 irc/charybdis: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 irc/fisg: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 irc/ircd-ru: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 irc/ircservices: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 irc/nethirc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 irc/ratbox-services: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 irc/roxirc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 japanese/jstrings: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 japanese/mg: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 japanese/ming: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 japanese/t2ps: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 java/castor: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 java/eclipse-windowbuilder: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 java/jdbcpool: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 java/jomp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 java/langspec: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 java/xdoclet: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 korean/xpdf: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/afnix: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/elan: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/gnatcross-aarch64: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/hope: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/hugs: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/ici: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/icon: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/newlisp-devel: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/ohugs: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/opendylan: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/phc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/starlogo: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/yap: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 lang/yap-devel: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/chk4mail: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/librfc822: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/mailmgr: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/mreport: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/msgconvert: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/nullpop: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/p5-Mail-MailStats: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/poppassd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/prayer: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/py-cyruslib: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/qmail-auditor: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/qmailmrtg7: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/qmqtool: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/relaydb: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/rftp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/smtp-gated: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 mail/spamoracle: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/calctool: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 math/diehard: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/e: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/entropy: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/liblbfgs: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/libtsnnls: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/ltl: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/naturalmath: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/proofgeneral: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/py-basemap-data: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/py-igakit: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/py-rapi: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/sfst: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/truthtable: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/wingz3: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/x12arima: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 math/xppaut: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/achievo: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/auto-multiple-choice: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/display: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/esniper: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/free42-skins: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/libisocodes: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/loop: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/p5-Norge: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/pantry: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/phraze: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/podsleuth: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/py-osd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/rfc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/spamcalc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/us-zipcodes: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/xtypo: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 misc/yaunc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 multimedia/clipgrab: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 multimedia/libsmacker: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 multimedia/lxdvdrip: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 multimedia/mjpg-streamer: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 multimedia/vcdpad: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/erlang-xmlrpc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/etrace: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/fonulator: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/gkrellmwireless2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/howl: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/libp0f: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/libsocket++: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/ltm: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/lvwimax: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/mono-zeroconf: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/nph: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/p5-Net-RawSock: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/passlogd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/phamm: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/pim6-tools: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/pim6dd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/pim6sd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/proxy-connect: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/rtpbreak: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/s3ql: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/scnc: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/sip_scenario: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/slurm: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/ssmping: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/tcpdstat: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/uplog: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/vblade: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/wizd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/wmnetload: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/wmnetmon: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/wmpiki: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net/xipmsg: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/chattahoochie: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/jitsi: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/mu-conference: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/p5-Jabber-Connection: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/p5-Net-ICQ2000: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/pidgin-guifications: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/pidgin-osd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-im/yoono: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/arpalert: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/nagios-check_memcached_paranoid: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/netwox: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/nstreams: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/p5-GRNOC-Config: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/p5-GRNOC-TL1: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/scli: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/snmp++: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-mgmt/victorops-nagios: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-p2p/libpdtp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 net-p2p/squall: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 news/crashmail: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 news/sn: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 news/xrn: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 ports-mgmt/managepkg: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 portuguese/irpf-pt_BR: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 print/foxitreader: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 print/pdfcube: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 print/pmw: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 print/rprint: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 russian/p5-cyrillic: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 russian/tidyup-mail: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 science/abinit: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 science/atom: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 science/cp2k: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 science/esys-particle: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 science/openmx: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 science/p5-Geo-ReadGRIB: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 science/py-tensorflow-estimator: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/firewalk: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/hmap: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/ipfcount: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/libbf: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/log2timeline: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/opencdk: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/pad: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/pam_fprint: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/pam_per_user: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/razorback-dispatcher: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/ruby-camellia: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/scanhill: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/sinfp: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/ssh_askpass_gtk2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/subweb: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/unssh: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 security/xspy: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 shells/osh: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 shells/shell-include: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/abgx360gui: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/autojump: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/backupchecker: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/cdf: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/cdls: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/circonus-agent: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/cloop-utils: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/confman: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/detach: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/disktool: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 sysutils/downtime: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/fusefs-fusexmp_fh: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/fusefs-gunzip: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/goss: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/gpte: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/hidesvn: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/hoz: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/intel-qcu: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/iogen: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/jailctl: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/jx: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/linux-crashplan: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/mkfile: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/mpiexec: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/nfsping: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/phantom: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/ptools: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/realsync: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/rmonitor: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/roottail: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/sb16config: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/sbase: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/setquota: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/sortu: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/stmpclean: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/tmate-slave: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/tss: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/vstrip: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/watchdog: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/wmbsdbatt: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/wmcpuload: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/wmcube: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 sysutils/wtail: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/csv2latex: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/da-hyphen: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/glark: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/html2tex: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/htmlsection: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/kenlm: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/libguess: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/libxml++26-reference: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/no-hunspell: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/p5-MARC: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/p5-texcount: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/pcrs: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_RSS: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_XML: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/permute: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/pocketreader: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/py-sgrep: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/rss2html: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/ruby-xmlparser: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/sv-hyphen: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/tclExpat: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/tex2im: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/topic: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/uz-hunspell: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 textproc/xmlprpr: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/ach: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/apache-forrest: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/apercu: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/cblog: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/drood: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/drraw: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/flood: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/grafana2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/imgsizer: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/jdresolve: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/linkcheck: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/madsonic-standalone: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_auth_external2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_chroot: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_cvs2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_domaintree: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_encoding: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_flickr: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_gzip2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_layout22: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_proctitle: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_tsa: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/mod_vhs: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/p5-AnyEvent-Mojo: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/p5-Apache-Gallery: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/p5-WWW-Google-Video: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/p5-WWW-Shorten-KUSO: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/p5-WWW-Shorten-isgd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/photo_gallery: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/pwebstats: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/py-django-profiles: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/red5: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/redmine-sidebar_hide: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/rssowl: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/skytemplate: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/surfraw: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/sws: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/tickr: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/tinytinyhttpd: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/udmsearch: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 www/vee: Broken 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x11-clocks/xtimer: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gnome-icons-dropline-neu: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gnome-icons-dropline-nou: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gnome-icons-gion: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gnome-icons-jini: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gtk-aurora-engine: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gtk-blueprint-engine: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gtk-murrina-fancy-clearlooks: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gtk-murrina-lightblue: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/gtk-murrine-themes: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/murrine-configurator: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/nimbus: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/openbox-themes: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/rezlooks: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-themes/ubuntulooks: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-toolkits/slingshot: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 x11-toolkits/xview-clients: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 x11-wm/fluxconf: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-wm/ion: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-wm/matwm2: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-wm/nickleby: Broken for more than 6 months 2020-05-05 x11-wm/olvwm: 64-bit unsupported 2020-05-05 x11-wm/ratmenu: Broken for more than 6 months
262 lines
6.3 KiB
262 lines
6.3 KiB
# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Editors
SUBDIR += 2bsd-vi
SUBDIR += abiword
SUBDIR += abiword-docs
SUBDIR += aee
SUBDIR += aewan
SUBDIR += apel
SUBDIR += asedit
SUBDIR += atom
SUBDIR += beav
SUBDIR += biew
SUBDIR += bitedit
SUBDIR += boiling-egg
SUBDIR += bpatch
SUBDIR += bvi
SUBDIR += calligra
SUBDIR += calligraplan
SUBDIR += chexedit
SUBDIR += codelite
SUBDIR += cooledit
SUBDIR += cream
SUBDIR += cudatext
SUBDIR += deforaos-editor
SUBDIR += dhex
SUBDIR += diakonos
SUBDIR += dkns
SUBDIR += drjava
SUBDIR += dte
SUBDIR += e3
SUBDIR += e93
SUBDIR += ecce
SUBDIR += ecrire
SUBDIR += edith
SUBDIR += editorconfig-core-c
SUBDIR += emacs
SUBDIR += emacs-devel
SUBDIR += encryptpad
SUBDIR += featherpad
SUBDIR += fileobj
SUBDIR += flim
SUBDIR += focuswriter
SUBDIR += fpc-ide
SUBDIR += fte
SUBDIR += fxite
SUBDIR += gate
SUBDIR += gedit
SUBDIR += gedit-plugins
SUBDIR += ghex
SUBDIR += ghostwriter
SUBDIR += gmanedit
SUBDIR += gnome-latex
SUBDIR += gobby
SUBDIR += gomate
SUBDIR += heme
SUBDIR += hexcurse
SUBDIR += hexedit
SUBDIR += hexer
SUBDIR += hexpert
SUBDIR += hnb
SUBDIR += hte
SUBDIR += impress
SUBDIR += jed
SUBDIR += jedit
SUBDIR += joe
SUBDIR += jove
SUBDIR += jucipp
SUBDIR += jupp
SUBDIR += kak-lsp
SUBDIR += kakoune
SUBDIR += kate
SUBDIR += kile
SUBDIR += komodo-edit
SUBDIR += lazarus
SUBDIR += lazarus-qt5
SUBDIR += le
SUBDIR += leafpad
SUBDIR += led
SUBDIR += libreoffice
SUBDIR += libreoffice-af
SUBDIR += libreoffice-am
SUBDIR += libreoffice-as
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ast
SUBDIR += libreoffice-be
SUBDIR += libreoffice-bg
SUBDIR += libreoffice-bn
SUBDIR += libreoffice-bn_IN
SUBDIR += libreoffice-bo
SUBDIR += libreoffice-br
SUBDIR += libreoffice-brx
SUBDIR += libreoffice-bs
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ca
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ca_valencia
SUBDIR += libreoffice-cs
SUBDIR += libreoffice-cy
SUBDIR += libreoffice-da
SUBDIR += libreoffice-dgo
SUBDIR += libreoffice-dsb
SUBDIR += libreoffice-dz
SUBDIR += libreoffice-el
SUBDIR += libreoffice-en_GB
SUBDIR += libreoffice-en_ZA
SUBDIR += libreoffice-eo
SUBDIR += libreoffice-es
SUBDIR += libreoffice-et
SUBDIR += libreoffice-eu
SUBDIR += libreoffice-fa
SUBDIR += libreoffice-fi
SUBDIR += libreoffice-fy
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ga
SUBDIR += libreoffice-gd
SUBDIR += libreoffice-gl
SUBDIR += libreoffice-gu
SUBDIR += libreoffice-gug
SUBDIR += libreoffice-hi
SUBDIR += libreoffice-hr
SUBDIR += libreoffice-hsb
SUBDIR += libreoffice-i18n
SUBDIR += libreoffice-id
SUBDIR += libreoffice-is
SUBDIR += libreoffice-it
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ka
SUBDIR += libreoffice-kab
SUBDIR += libreoffice-kk
SUBDIR += libreoffice-km
SUBDIR += libreoffice-kmr_Latn
SUBDIR += libreoffice-kn
SUBDIR += libreoffice-kok
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ks
SUBDIR += libreoffice-lb
SUBDIR += libreoffice-lo
SUBDIR += libreoffice-lt
SUBDIR += libreoffice-lv
SUBDIR += libreoffice-mai
SUBDIR += libreoffice-mk
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ml
SUBDIR += libreoffice-mn
SUBDIR += libreoffice-mni
SUBDIR += libreoffice-mr
SUBDIR += libreoffice-my
SUBDIR += libreoffice-nb
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ne
SUBDIR += libreoffice-nl
SUBDIR += libreoffice-nn
SUBDIR += libreoffice-nr
SUBDIR += libreoffice-nso
SUBDIR += libreoffice-oc
SUBDIR += libreoffice-om
SUBDIR += libreoffice-or
SUBDIR += libreoffice-pa_IN
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ro
SUBDIR += libreoffice-rw
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sa_IN
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sat
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sd
SUBDIR += libreoffice-si
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sid
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sk
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sl
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sq
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sr
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sr_Latn
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ss
SUBDIR += libreoffice-st
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sv
SUBDIR += libreoffice-sw_TZ
SUBDIR += libreoffice-szl
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ta
SUBDIR += libreoffice-te
SUBDIR += libreoffice-tg
SUBDIR += libreoffice-th
SUBDIR += libreoffice-tn
SUBDIR += libreoffice-tr
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ts
SUBDIR += libreoffice-tt
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ug
SUBDIR += libreoffice-uz
SUBDIR += libreoffice-ve
SUBDIR += libreoffice-vec
SUBDIR += libreoffice-xh
SUBDIR += libreoffice-zu
SUBDIR += linux-sublime
SUBDIR += linux-sublime3
SUBDIR += madedit
SUBDIR += medit
SUBDIR += mg
SUBDIR += micro
SUBDIR += mined
SUBDIR += mle
SUBDIR += morla
SUBDIR += mousepad
SUBDIR += mp
SUBDIR += nano
SUBDIR += ne
SUBDIR += nedit
SUBDIR += neovim
SUBDIR += neovim-qt
SUBDIR += nvi-devel
SUBDIR += nvi-m17n
SUBDIR += openoffice-4
SUBDIR += openoffice-devel
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-InvokeEditor
SUBDIR += p5-Vimana
SUBDIR += paredit-mode.el
SUBDIR += parinfer-rust
SUBDIR += pdfedit
SUBDIR += pico-alpine
SUBDIR += picpas
SUBDIR += pluma
SUBDIR += poedit
SUBDIR += psgml
SUBDIR += puff
SUBDIR += py-editorconfig
SUBDIR += py-pynvim
SUBDIR += quilter
SUBDIR += rubygem-neovim
SUBDIR += scite
SUBDIR += se
SUBDIR += semi
SUBDIR += shed
SUBDIR += slime
SUBDIR += ssed
SUBDIR += sted
SUBDIR += tamago
SUBDIR += tea
SUBDIR += teco
SUBDIR += ted
SUBDIR += tetradraw
SUBDIR += texmacs
SUBDIR += texmaker
SUBDIR += texstudio
SUBDIR += texworks
SUBDIR += the
SUBDIR += thoteditor
SUBDIR += treeform
SUBDIR += tweak
SUBDIR += uemacs
SUBDIR += uzap
SUBDIR += vigor
SUBDIR += vile
SUBDIR += vim
SUBDIR += vim-console
SUBDIR += vim-tiny
SUBDIR += vscode
SUBDIR += web-mode
SUBDIR += with-editor
SUBDIR += wordgrinder
SUBDIR += wxhexeditor
SUBDIR += xcoral
SUBDIR += xed
SUBDIR += xi-core
SUBDIR += xi-term
SUBDIR += xmlcopyeditor
SUBDIR += xvile
SUBDIR += yudit
SUBDIR += zile
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>