-Drop long comment describing knobs - it just duplicates OPTIONS -For SCPONLY_DEFAULT_CHDIR, print a note about setting it. I'm not sure if post-patch is the best place for this, though? -Drop dead site and just use Sourceforge -Use the PORTDOCS variable -Install some useful docs and drop useless one (TODO) -Drop pre-everything message about defaults changing; that was 5 years ago -LOCALBASE vs. PREFIX correction -Add post-install messages to the plist so package users see them too PR: ports/153115 Submitted by: Rob Farmer <rfarmer@predatorlabs.net> (maintainer)
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@exec echo "Updating /etc/shells"; cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak; echo %D/%F) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak
@unexec echo "Updating /etc/shells"; cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak
%%SCPONLY_CHROOT%%@exec echo ""
%%SCPONLY_CHROOT%%@exec echo "To setup chroot cage, run the following commands:"
%%SCPONLY_CHROOT%%@exec echo " 1) cd %%PREFIX%%/%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/ && /bin/sh setup_chroot.sh"
%%SCPONLY_CHROOT%%@exec echo " 2) Set scponlyc_enable=\"YES\" in /etc/rc.conf"
%%SCPONLY_CHROOT%%@exec echo " 3) Run %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/scponly start"
%%PORTDOCS%%@exec echo ""
%%PORTDOCS%%@exec echo "For information on several potential security concerns,"
%%PORTDOCS%%@exec echo "please read:"
%%SCPONLY_CHROOT%%@exec cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak; echo %D/%F) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak
%%SCPONLY_CHROOT%%@unexec cp /etc/shells /etc/shells.bak; (grep -v %D/%F /etc/shells.bak) >/etc/shells; rm -f /etc/shells.bak
@dirrm etc/scponly