20170129: - The new library filesys.s7i has been added. It defines the interface fileSys. Files of TAR, ZIP and JAR achives and files from FTP and the operating system can be accessed via the fileSys interface. The file system changes are work in progress. - The libraries tar.s7i, zip.s7i, ftp.s7i and osfiles.s7i have been adjusted to implement the new interface fileSys. - Definitions of the types fileType, filePermission and fileMode have been moved from osfiles.s7i to the new library filesys.s7i. - A definition of the file system osFiles has been added to osfiles.s7i. - In ftp.s7i the interface ftpFileSys has been added. This interface extends fileSys with the functions listDir, getActiveMode, setActiveMode, getAsciiTransfer and setAsciiTransfer. - The functions retrieve and store have been removed from ftp.s7i and the function open (to open a file) has been added. - The new library ftpserv.s7i has been created. This library allows, that the backend of an FTP server is also a file system. Most of the contents of ftpserv.s7i has been moved from ftpserv.sd7. - The functions setUpHead, tarTell, tarXtract and tarCreate have been moved from tar.s7i to the new library tar_cmds.s7i. - The conversion functions bin32 and float have been added to bin32.s7i. This functions convert values between single precision float and bin32. - The conversion functions bin64 and float have been added to bin64.s7i. This functions convert values between double precision float and bin64. - The functions getBitLsb and getBitsLsb have been added to bitdata.s7i. This functions read bits from a file in the direction from LSB (least significant bit) to MSB (most significant bit). - The operator |:= has been added to the libraries bitsetof.s7i and bitset.s7i. - The type void has been improved to allow writing a void value. This allows that calc7.sd7 can execute procedures. - The new library inflatefile.s7i has been added. It allows to uncompress data from a file with the Inflate algorithm. In contrast to inflatefile.s7i the functions from inflate.s7i assume that the compressed data is in a string. - A test of the tar header checksum has been added to tar.s7i. - A support for long link paths has been added to tar.s7i. - The function readMinimumOfHead has been added to tar.s7i. With this function opening a tar archive can be done faster. - The functions fileMode and getMTime in zip.s7i have been improved to recognize modes and times from different operating systems. - In zip.s7i the function rposOfMagic has been improved to work with one call of seek() and one gets(). This way the function is faster, when the file is not a ZIP file. - In zip.s7i the functions get_local_header, get_central_header and get_end_of_central_directory have been improved to read the fixed size part of the header with one statement and to convert the data afterwards. This improves the performance of get_central_header by about 10%. - In zip.s7i a map of extra header fields has been introduced. - In zip.s7i the function getContent has been renamed to getFile. Additionally the function has been improved to work when the local header does not contain the compressed size. In this case the new library inflatefile.s7i is used. - The function timestamp1601ToTime has been added to time.s7i. - A test for the operator |:= has been added to chkset.sd7. - The function filGets in fil_rtl.c has been improved to recognize a request to read zero characters earlier. This improves this special case a little bit, without a negative effect on the normal case. - The function uintCard has been added to int_rtl.c. - The computation of the mode in the function fileAttr2UnixMode in stat_win.c has been improved. - The program ftp7.sd7 has been improved to work with the new ftpFileSys interface. - The program ftpserv.sd7 has been improved to work with the new library ftpserv.s7i. - In seed7_05.s7i the function to convert an integer to a string with a given base has been improved. - Interpreter and compiler have been improved to support the actions BIN_CARD, SET_UNION_ASSIGN and STR_FOR. - In the compiler (s7c) the generation of inline code for the actions STR_RANGE and STR_SUBSTR has been improved. When some parameters are constant checks can be done at compile-time instead of run-time. - In drw_x11.c the function redraw() has been improved and the new function setupBackup() has been added. This changes have been done to handle EXPOSE events correctly, when backing store has the value WhenMapped. - In runerr.c the functions continue_question, run_error, empty_value and var_required have been changed to allow the repacement of the current exception with a new one. - The function str_for has been added to strlib.c.
3 lines
160 B
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160 B
TIMESTAMP = 1485777042
SHA256 (seed7_05_20170129.tgz) = 38517f699302b7bb83f669d1ed38f3050d6eb1a80c51f92d4005528af073b982
SIZE (seed7_05_20170129.tgz) = 2706706