command-line options. According to POSIX, string comparisons (and hence sorting) are to be performed based on the locale's collating order. Alas GNU AWK only does so in POSIX mode, whereas starting with FreeBSD 11 we do so by default, running into a bug (or false assumption) with that script used by GCC. Setting MAKE_ARGS such that AWK is always invoked in the C locale works around this bug. PR: 210122, 211742 Submitted by: jkim
3 lines
153 B
3 lines
153 B
TIMESTAMP = 1471299749
SHA256 (gcc-4.8.5.tar.bz2) = 22fb1e7e0f68a63cee631d85b20461d1ea6bda162f03096350e38c8d427ecf23
SIZE (gcc-4.8.5.tar.bz2) = 86165587