Martin Wilke 780e8a39f0 2009-01-19 games/emacs-chess: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-02-01 devel/subversion-devel: Use devel/subversion or devel/subversion-freebsd instead of this port
2009-01-19 devel/hs-hat: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 devel/hs-hpl: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 databases/mysqlbigram: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 mail/claws-mail-clamav: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 mail/sylpheed2-devel: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 www/pecl-mnogosearch: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-31 x11-fonts/mathfonts: This port was supported by Mozilla 1.8 (including Firefox 2.0) - to be replaced by  STIX fonts for Firefox 3.x
2009-01-19 x11-wm/fluxspace: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-31 x11-wm/expocity: project has been abandoned
2009-01-19 x11/bbuname: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 security/squidclam: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 print/virtualpaper: depends on broken, expired port
2009-01-19 print/ifhp: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net-p2p/peercast: has been forbidden for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 palm/pdbc: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net-mgmt/NeTraMet: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net-im/sulci: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 multimedia/mjpegtools-yuvfilters: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 multimedia/helixplayer: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 lang/quack: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 misc/pybliographer: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/versuch: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/py-mantissa: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/libunpipc: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/gnometelnet: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/gacxtool: depends on expired, broken port
2009-01-19 devel/py-coro: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 chinese/stardict2-dict-zh_TW: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 x11-themes/gtk-industrial-theme: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-02-03 22:38:25 +00:00

140 lines
3.1 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = X11 window managers
SUBDIR += aewm
SUBDIR += afterstep
SUBDIR += afterstep-i18n
SUBDIR += afterstep-stable
SUBDIR += ahwm
SUBDIR += amaterus
SUBDIR += amiwm
SUBDIR += awesome
SUBDIR += badwm
SUBDIR += bbconf
SUBDIR += bbkeys
SUBDIR += bbpager
SUBDIR += blackbox
SUBDIR += blwm
SUBDIR += boxtools
SUBDIR += ccsm
SUBDIR += clementine
SUBDIR += compiz
SUBDIR += compiz-fusion
SUBDIR += compiz-fusion-plugins-extra
SUBDIR += compiz-fusion-plugins-main
SUBDIR += compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported
SUBDIR += compizconfig-backend-gconf
SUBDIR += compizconfig-python
SUBDIR += ctwm
SUBDIR += devilspie
SUBDIR += dwm
SUBDIR += e16utils
SUBDIR += e17-utils
SUBDIR += echinus
SUBDIR += ede
SUBDIR += emerald
SUBDIR += enlightenment
SUBDIR += enlightenment-devel
SUBDIR += enlightenment-docs
SUBDIR += epiwm
SUBDIR += epplets
SUBDIR += etoile-azalea
SUBDIR += etoile-azdock
SUBDIR += etoile-azswitch
SUBDIR += etoile-login
SUBDIR += evilwm
SUBDIR += fbcmd
SUBDIR += fbpager
SUBDIR += fluxbox
SUBDIR += fluxconf
SUBDIR += fluxter
SUBDIR += flwm
SUBDIR += fvwm
SUBDIR += fvwm-crystal
SUBDIR += fvwm2
SUBDIR += fvwm2-devel
SUBDIR += fvwm2-i18n
SUBDIR += fvwm95
SUBDIR += fvwm95-i18n
SUBDIR += gcompmgr
SUBDIR += genmenu
SUBDIR += golem
SUBDIR += hackedbox
SUBDIR += icewm
SUBDIR += ion
SUBDIR += ion-2
SUBDIR += jewel
SUBDIR += jwm
SUBDIR += kappdock
SUBDIR += kompmgr
SUBDIR += larswm
SUBDIR += libcompizconfig
SUBDIR += libdockapp
SUBDIR += lwm
SUBDIR += lxsession
SUBDIR += lxsession-lite
SUBDIR += matchbox
SUBDIR += metacity
SUBDIR += nickleby
SUBDIR += obconf
SUBDIR += obmenu
SUBDIR += olvwm
SUBDIR += openbox
SUBDIR += oroborus
SUBDIR += pager
SUBDIR += pawm
SUBDIR += peksystray
SUBDIR += pekwm
SUBDIR += phluid
SUBDIR += piewm
SUBDIR += plwm
SUBDIR += pwm
SUBDIR += qlwm
SUBDIR += qvwm
SUBDIR += ratmen
SUBDIR += ratmenu
SUBDIR += ratpoison
SUBDIR += sapphire
SUBDIR += sawfish
SUBDIR += selectwm
SUBDIR += simple-ccsm
SUBDIR += skippy
SUBDIR += skippy-xd
SUBDIR += stumpwm
SUBDIR += swm
SUBDIR += tinywm
SUBDIR += transset-df
SUBDIR += treewm
SUBDIR += tvtwm
SUBDIR += twm
SUBDIR += vtwm
SUBDIR += w9wm
SUBDIR += waimea
SUBDIR += waimea-devel
SUBDIR += wampager
SUBDIR += weewm
SUBDIR += windowlab
SUBDIR += windowmaker
SUBDIR += wm2
SUBDIR += wmakerconf
SUBDIR += wmanager
SUBDIR += wmanager-addons
SUBDIR += wmconfig
SUBDIR += wmcp
SUBDIR += wmfs
SUBDIR += wmg
SUBDIR += wmii
SUBDIR += wmthemeinstall
SUBDIR += xcompmgr
SUBDIR += xfce
SUBDIR += xfce4
SUBDIR += xfce4-desktop
SUBDIR += xfce4-panel
SUBDIR += xfce4-session
SUBDIR += xfce4-wm
SUBDIR += xmonad
SUBDIR += xmonad-contrib
.include <>