Alejandro Pulver 8234e7b908 The objective of the PlaneShift is to create a virtual fantasy world in which a
player can start as a peasant in search of fame and become a hero. First of all
PlaneShift is a Role Playing Game. Be sure to read our Roleplay guidelines or
you will not be able to play this game. We will focus our efforts in the
reproduction of a real world with politics, economy, many non-player-characters
controlled by the server that will bring to life our world even without players

We want to give FREE access to everyone, without the need to either purchase
the game or pay a monthly fee. Servers and bandwidth will be donated by

Our virtual world is persistent, and this means you can connect to it at every
hour of day or night and you will always find players and npcs wandering our
realms. You will be able to disconnect and reconnect again, the server saves
the actual status of your character including his possessions.

You will use a client program to interact with our world, that enables you to
have a 3D view of the surroundings.


PR:		ports/94720
Submitted by:	Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez <>
2006-06-25 23:09:35 +00:00

120 lines
2.8 KiB

1) Need to download all necessary files for planeshift (art and data directory).
# updater --auto
This download 200M aprox.
2) After to update data and art directory, you need to make some changes in
files into data directory. I don't know about the problem with <?Include and
<?Template tag defined. The solution is changing these tag to lowercase.
# find data -type f -exec sed -i '' -e 's|<?Template|<?template|g' -e \
's|<?Endtemplate|<?endtemplate|g' -e 's|<?Include|<?include|g' "{}" \;
3) Also, I had problem with cg-base file into data/shader/snippets directory. I
solved it modifying some lines.
<?template _List_$LIST$ ?><?endtemplate?>
<?template _List_$LIST$ ?>
<?!template _List_$LIST$ ?><?!endtemplate?>
<?!template _List_$LIST$ ?>
4) Modify psclient.cfg and change line:
Planeshift.GUI.Skin.Ingame = /this/art/skins/
Planeshift.GUI.Skin.Ingame = /this/art/skins/
5) For play online, you need create an account
6) Edit planeshift.cfg file and modify these lines:
; Change values if you want.
Video.ScreenWidth = 800
Video.ScreenHeight = 600
; Performs better in 32 bit display mode
Video.ScreenDepth = 32
Video.FullScreen = true
Planeshift.Connection.User = PlaneshiftAccount
7) Start planeshift using root account once.
8) Finally you can start planeshift using simple user account
9) Enjoy it ;)
1) Start MySQL server
# sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
2) Login MySQL console
# mysql -u username -ppassword
default username is root with no password
3) Create database and user account
mysql>create database planeshift;
mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO planeshift@localhost IDENTIFIED BY \
'planeshift' WITH GRANT OPTION;
# mysql -u planeshift -pplaneshift
mysql> use planeshift;
mysql> source create_all.sql;
mysql> quit
4) Copy worldnet's dict directory to planeshift's data directory
# cd /usr/local/share/WordNet
# mkdir /usr/X11R6/lib/planeshift/data/dict
# cp * /usr/X11R6/lib/planeshift/data/dict
5) Start planeshift server
# psserver
Type the following in "PS Server" prompt:
loadmap npcroom
6) Planeshift client can use these accounts for login
7) Enjoy it ;)