- add WITH_MULTIBYTE to support multibyte characters (Chinese...) - remove synclist feature (From Changelog) While I'm here. - Fix plist (removal of *contrib/spanish*) - Use PORTDOCS macro PR: 61478 Submitted by: Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung@dragon2.net> (maintainer) Approved by: erwin (mentor) (implicitly)
804 lines
20 KiB
804 lines
20 KiB
--- src/hooks/msnhook.cc.orig Sat Jan 17 17:01:03 2004
+++ src/hooks/msnhook.cc Sat Jan 17 17:05:45 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+* centericq MSN protocol handling class
+* $Id: msnhook.cc,v 1.67 2003/09/30 11:38:43 konst Exp $
+* Copyright (C) 2001 by Konstantin Klyagin <konst@konst.org.ua>
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+* your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+* USA
+#include "icqcommon.h"
+#ifdef BUILD_MSN
+#include "msnhook.h"
+#include "icqconf.h"
+#include "icqface.h"
+#include "icqcontacts.h"
+#include "accountmanager.h"
+#include "eventmanager.h"
+#include "imlogger.h"
+#include "connwrap.h"
+#include "msn_bittybits.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+msnhook mhook;
+static string nicknormalize(const string &nick) {
+ if(nick.find("@") == -1) return nick + "@hotmail.com";
+ return nick;
+static string nicktodisp(const string &nick) {
+ int pos;
+ string r = nick;
+ if((pos = r.find("@")) != -1)
+ if(r.substr(pos+1) == "hotmail.com")
+ r.erase(pos);
+ return r;
+struct st2imr {
+ char *name;
+ imstatus st;
+const st2imr st2im[] = {
+ { "FLN", offline },
+ { "NLN", available },
+ { "HDN", invisible },
+ { "BSY", dontdisturb },
+ { "PHN", occupied },
+ { "AWY", away },
+ { "BRB", away },
+ { "LUN", notavail },
+ { "IDL", away },
+ { 0, offline }
+static imstatus msn2imstatus(const string &sname) {
+ for(const st2imr *sa = st2im; sa->name; sa++)
+ if(sname == sa->name)
+ return sa->st;
+ return offline;
+static const char *stat2name(imstatus st) {
+ for(const st2imr *sa = st2im; sa->name; sa++)
+ if(st == sa->st)
+ return sa->name;
+ return "NLN";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+msnhook::msnhook(): abstracthook(msn) {
+ ourstatus = offline;
+ fonline = false;
+// fcapabs.insert(hookcapab::synclist); // removed from 4.9.10
+ fcapabs.insert(hookcapab::changedetails);
+ fcapabs.insert(hookcapab::directadd);
+// fcapabs.insert(hookcapab::files);
+msnhook::~msnhook() {
+void msnhook::init() {
+ manualstatus = conf.getstatus(msn);
+void msnhook::connect() {
+ icqconf::imaccount account = conf.getourid(msn);
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] connecting to the server"));
+ flogged = false;
+ fonline = true;
+ msn_init(&conn, nicknormalize(account.nickname).c_str(), account.password.c_str());
+ msn_connect(&conn, account.server.c_str(), account.port);
+ fonline = true;
+ flogged = true;
+void msnhook::disconnect() {
+ msn_clean_up(&conn);
+void msnhook::exectimers() {
+void msnhook::main() {
+ vector<int>::const_iterator i;
+ fd_set rs, ws;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int hsock;
+ FD_ZERO(&rs);
+ FD_ZERO(&ws);
+ tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ hsock = 0;
+ for(i = rfds.begin(); i != rfds.end(); ++i) {
+ FD_SET(*i, &rs);
+ hsock = max(hsock, *i);
+ }
+ for(i = wfds.begin(); i != wfds.end(); ++i) {
+ FD_SET(*i, &ws);
+ hsock = max(hsock, *i);
+ }
+ if(select(hsock+1, &rs, &ws, 0, &tv) > 0) {
+ for(i = rfds.begin(); i != rfds.end(); ++i)
+ if(FD_ISSET(*i, &rs)) {
+ msn_handle_incoming(*i, 1, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i = wfds.begin(); i != wfds.end(); ++i)
+ if(FD_ISSET(*i, &ws)) {
+ msn_handle_incoming(*i, 0, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void msnhook::getsockets(fd_set &rf, fd_set &wf, fd_set &efds, int &hsocket) const {
+ vector<int>::const_iterator i;
+ for(i = rfds.begin(); i != rfds.end(); ++i) {
+ hsocket = max(hsocket, *i);
+ FD_SET(*i, &rf);
+ }
+ for(i = wfds.begin(); i != wfds.end(); ++i) {
+ hsocket = max(hsocket, *i);
+ FD_SET(*i, &wf);
+ }
+bool msnhook::isoursocket(fd_set &rf, fd_set &wf, fd_set &efds) const {
+ vector<int>::const_iterator i;
+ for(i = rfds.begin(); i != rfds.end(); ++i)
+ if(FD_ISSET(*i, &rf))
+ return true;
+ for(i = wfds.begin(); i != wfds.end(); ++i)
+ if(FD_ISSET(*i, &wf))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool msnhook::online() const {
+ return fonline;
+bool msnhook::logged() const {
+ return fonline && flogged;
+bool msnhook::isconnecting() const {
+ return fonline && !flogged;
+bool msnhook::enabled() const {
+ return true;
+bool msnhook::send(const imevent &ev) {
+ string text;
+ if(ev.gettype() == imevent::message) {
+ const immessage *m = static_cast<const immessage *>(&ev);
+ if(m) text = m->gettext();
+ } else if(ev.gettype() == imevent::url) {
+ const imurl *m = static_cast<const imurl *>(&ev);
+ if(m) text = m->geturl() + "\n\n" + m->getdescription();
+ } else if(ev.gettype() == imevent::file) {
+ const imfile *m = static_cast<const imfile *>(&ev);
+ vector<imfile::record> files = m->getfiles();
+ vector<imfile::record>::const_iterator ir;
+ for(ir = files.begin(); ir != files.end(); ++ir) {
+ imfile::record r;
+ invitation_ftp *p;
+ r.fname = ir->fname;
+ r.size = ir->size;
+ imfile fr(ev.getcontact(), imevent::outgoing, "", vector<imfile::record>(1, r));
+ if(p = msn_filetrans_send(&conn, ir->fname.c_str()))
+ transferinfo[fr].first = p;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ icqcontact *c = clist.get(ev.getcontact());
+ text = siconv(text, conf.getrussian(msn) ? "koi8-u" : conf.getdefcharset(), "utf-8");
+ if(c)
+ if(c->getstatus() != offline || !c->inlist()) {
+ msn_send_IM(&conn, nicknormalize(ev.getcontact().nickname).c_str(), text.c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void msnhook::sendnewuser(const imcontact &ic) {
+ if(logged()) {
+ icqcontact *c;
+ imcontact icc(nicktodisp(ic.nickname), msn);
+ if(icc.nickname != ic.nickname)
+ if(c = clist.get(ic)) {
+ c->setdesc(icc);
+ c->setnick(icc.nickname);
+ c->setdispnick(icc.nickname);
+ }
+ msn_add_to_list(&conn, "FL", nicknormalize(ic.nickname).c_str());
+ }
+ requestinfo(ic);
+void msnhook::setautostatus(imstatus st) {
+ if(st != offline) {
+ if(getstatus() == offline) {
+ connect();
+ } else {
+ logger.putourstatus(msn, ourstatus, st);
+ msn_set_state(&conn, stat2name(ourstatus = st));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(getstatus() != offline) {
+ disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+imstatus msnhook::getstatus() const {
+ return online() ? ourstatus : offline;
+void msnhook::removeuser(const imcontact &ic) {
+ removeuser(ic, true);
+void msnhook::removeuser(const imcontact &ic, bool report) {
+ if(online()) {
+ if(report)
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] removing %s from the contacts"), ic.nickname.c_str());
+ msn_del_from_list(&conn, "FL", nicknormalize(ic.nickname).c_str());
+ }
+void msnhook::requestinfo(const imcontact &ic) {
+ icqcontact *c = clist.get(ic);
+ if(!c) {
+ c = clist.get(contactroot);
+ c->clear();
+ }
+ icqcontact::moreinfo m = c->getmoreinfo();
+ icqcontact::basicinfo b = c->getbasicinfo();
+ b.email = nicknormalize(ic.nickname);
+ m.homepage = "http://members.msn.com/" + b.email;
+ if(ic.nickname == conf.getourid(msn).nickname)
+ c->setnick(friendlynicks[ic.nickname]);
+ c->setmoreinfo(m);
+ c->setbasicinfo(b);
+void msnhook::lookup(const imsearchparams ¶ms, verticalmenu &dest) {
+ if(params.reverse) {
+ vector<pair<string, string> >::const_iterator i = slst["RL"].begin();
+ while(i != slst["RL"].end()) {
+ icqcontact *c = new icqcontact(imcontact(nicktodisp(i->first), msn));
+ c->setnick(i->second);
+ dest.additem(conf.getcolor(cp_clist_msn), c, (string) " " + i->first);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ face.findready();
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] reverse users listing finished, %d found"),
+ slst["RL"].size());
+ dest.redraw();
+ }
+vector<icqcontact *> msnhook::getneedsync() {
+ int i;
+ vector<icqcontact *> r;
+ bool found;
+ for(i = 0; i < clist.count; i++) {
+ icqcontact *c = (icqcontact *) clist.at(i);
+ if(c->getdesc().pname == msn) {
+ vector<pair<string, string> >::const_iterator fi = slst["FL"].begin();
+ for(found = false; fi != slst["FL"].end() && !found; ++fi)
+ found = c->getdesc().nickname == fi->first;
+ if(!found)
+ r.push_back(c);
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+void msnhook::sendupdateuserinfo(const icqcontact &c) {
+ msn_set_friendlyname(&conn, c.getnick().c_str());
+void msnhook::checkfriendly(icqcontact *c, const string friendlynick, bool forcefetch) {
+ string oldnick = c->getnick();
+ string newnick = siconv(unmime(friendlynick), "utf-8", conf.getrussian(msn) ? "koi8-u" : conf.getdefcharset());
+ c->setnick(newnick);
+ if(forcefetch || (oldnick != newnick && c->getdispnick() != oldnick) || oldnick.empty()) {
+ c->setdispnick(newnick);
+ face.relaxedupdate();
+ }
+void msnhook::checkinlist(imcontact ic) {
+ icqcontact *c = clist.get(ic);
+ vector<icqcontact *> notremote = getneedsync();
+ if(c)
+ if(c->inlist())
+ if(find(notremote.begin(), notremote.end(), c) != notremote.end())
+ mhook.sendnewuser(ic);
+bool msnhook::knowntransfer(const imfile &fr) const {
+ return transferinfo.find(fr) != transferinfo.end();
+void msnhook::replytransfer(const imfile &fr, bool accept, const string &localpath) {
+ if(accept) {
+ transferinfo[fr].second = localpath;
+ if(transferinfo[fr].second.substr(transferinfo[fr].second.size()-1) != "/")
+ transferinfo[fr].second += "/";
+ transferinfo[fr].second += justfname(fr.getfiles().begin()->fname);
+ msn_filetrans_accept(transferinfo[fr].first, transferinfo[fr].second.c_str());
+ } else {
+ msn_filetrans_reject(transferinfo[fr].first);
+ transferinfo.erase(fr);
+ }
+void msnhook::aborttransfer(const imfile &fr) {
+ msn_filetrans_reject(transferinfo[fr].first);
+ face.transferupdate(fr.getfiles().begin()->fname, fr,
+ icqface::tsCancel, 0, 0);
+ transferinfo.erase(fr);
+bool msnhook::getfevent(invitation_ftp *fhandle, imfile &fr) {
+ map<imfile, pair<invitation_ftp *, string> >::const_iterator i = transferinfo.begin();
+ while(i != transferinfo.end()) {
+ if(i->second.first == fhandle) {
+ fr = i->first;
+ return true;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return false;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void log(const string &s) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ face.log(s);
+int ext_debug( char *str )
+ log( str );
+ return 0;
+void ext_register_sock(int s, int reading, int writing) {
+ log("ext_register_sock");
+ if(reading) mhook.rfds.push_back(s);
+ if(writing) mhook.wfds.push_back(s);
+void ext_unregister_sock(int s) {
+ log("ext_unregister_sock");
+ vector<int>::iterator i;
+ i = find(mhook.rfds.begin(), mhook.rfds.end(), s);
+ if(i != mhook.rfds.end()) mhook.rfds.erase(i);
+ i = find(mhook.wfds.begin(), mhook.wfds.end(), s);
+ if(i != mhook.wfds.end()) mhook.wfds.erase(i);
+void ext_got_friendlyname(msnconn * conn, const char * friendlyname) {
+ log("ext_got_friendlyname");
+ if(friendlyname)
+ if(strlen(friendlyname))
+ mhook.friendlynicks[conf.getourid(msn).nickname] = friendlyname;
+void ext_got_info(msnconn *conn, syncinfo *info) {
+ log("ext_got_info");
+ userdata *ud;
+ llist *lst, *pl;
+ imcontact ic;
+ for(lst = info->fl; lst; lst = lst->next) {
+ ud = (userdata *) lst->data;
+ mhook.slst["FL"].push_back(make_pair(ud->username, ud->friendlyname));
+ ic = imcontact(nicktodisp(ud->username), msn);
+ icqcontact *c = clist.get(ic);
+ if(!c) c = clist.addnew(ic, false);
+ icqcontact::basicinfo bi = c->getbasicinfo();
+ icqcontact::workinfo wi = c->getworkinfo();
+ for(pl = ud->phone; pl; pl = pl->next) {
+ phonedata *pd = (phonedata *) pl->data;
+ string title = pd->title ? pd->title : "";
+ if(pd->number)
+ if(strlen(pd->number)) {
+ if(title == "PHH") bi.phone = pd->number; else
+ if(title == "PHW") wi.phone = pd->number; else
+ if(title == "PHM") bi.cellular = pd->number;
+ }
+ }
+ c->setbasicinfo(bi);
+ c->setworkinfo(wi);
+ }
+ for(lst = info->rl; lst; lst = lst->next) {
+ ud = (userdata *) lst->data;
+ mhook.slst["RL"].push_back(make_pair(ud->username, ud->friendlyname));
+ }
+ mhook.setautostatus(mhook.ourstatus);
+void ext_latest_serial(msnconn * conn, int serial) {
+ log("ext_latest_serial");
+void ext_got_GTC(msnconn * conn, char c) {
+ log("ext_got_GTC");
+void ext_got_BLP(msnconn * conn, char c) {
+ log("ext_got_BLP");
+void ext_new_RL_entry(msnconn *conn, const char *username, const char *friendlyname) {
+ log("ext_new_RL_entry");
+ msn_add_to_list(&mhook.conn, "AL", username);
+ imcontact ic(nicktodisp(username), msn);
+ mhook.checkinlist(ic);
+ em.store(imnotification(ic, _("The user has added you to his/her contact list")));
+void ext_new_list_entry(msnconn *conn, const char *lst, const char *username) {
+ log("ext_new_list_entry");
+ mhook.slst[lst].push_back(make_pair(username, string()));
+void ext_del_list_entry(msnconn *conn, const char *lst, const char *username) {
+ log("ext_del_list_entry");
+ vector<pair<string, string> >::iterator i = mhook.slst[lst].begin();
+ while(i != mhook.slst[lst].end()) {
+ if(i->first == username) {
+ mhook.slst[lst].erase(i);
+ i = mhook.slst[lst].begin();
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+void ext_show_error(msnconn * conn, const char * msg) {
+ log("ext_show_error");
+ log(msg);
+void ext_buddy_set(msnconn * conn, const char * buddy, const char * friendlyname, const char * status) {
+ log("ext_buddy_set");
+ imcontact ic(nicktodisp(buddy), msn);
+ icqcontact *c = clist.get(ic);
+ bool forcefetch;
+ if(forcefetch = !c)
+ c = clist.addnew(ic, false);
+ if(friendlyname)
+ mhook.checkfriendly(c, friendlyname, forcefetch);
+ logger.putonline(ic, c->getstatus(), msn2imstatus(status));
+ c->setstatus(msn2imstatus(status));
+void ext_buddy_offline(msnconn * conn, const char * buddy) {
+ log("ext_buddy_offline");
+ ext_buddy_set(conn, buddy, 0, "FLN");
+void ext_got_SB(msnconn * conn, void * tag) {
+ log("ext_got_SB");
+void ext_user_joined(msnconn *conn, const char *username, const char *friendlyname, int is_initial) {
+ log("ext_user_joined");
+void ext_user_left(msnconn *conn, const char *username) {
+ log("ext_user_left");
+void ext_got_IM(msnconn *conn, const char *username, const char *friendlyname, message *msg) {
+ log("ext_got_IM");
+ imcontact ic(nicktodisp(username), msn);
+ mhook.checkinlist(ic);
+ string text = siconv(msg->body, "utf-8", conf.getrussian(msn) ? "koi8-u" : conf.getdefcharset());
+ em.store(immessage(ic, imevent::incoming, text));
+void ext_IM_failed(msnconn *conn) {
+ log("ext_IM_failed");
+void ext_typing_user(msnconn *conn, const char *username, const char *friendlyname) {
+ log("ext_typing_user");
+ icqcontact *c = clist.get(imcontact(nicktodisp(username), msn));
+ if(c) c->setlasttyping(timer_current);
+void ext_initial_email(msnconn *conn, int unread_inbox, int unread_folders) {
+ log("ext_initial_email");
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] unread e-mail: %d in inbox, %d in folders"),
+ unread_inbox, unread_folders);
+void ext_new_mail_arrived(msnconn *conn, const char *from, const char *subject) {
+ log("ext_new_mail_arrived");
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] e-mail from %s, %s"), from, subject);
+ clist.get(contactroot)->playsound(imevent::email);
+void ext_filetrans_invite(msnconn *conn, const char *username, const char *friendlyname, invitation_ftp *inv) {
+ log("ext_filetrans_invite");
+ if(!mhook.fcapabs.count(hookcapab::files))
+ return;
+ imfile::record r;
+ r.fname = inv->filename;
+ r.size = inv->filesize;
+ imcontact ic(nicktodisp(username), msn);
+ mhook.checkinlist(ic);
+ imfile fr(ic, imevent::incoming, "", vector<imfile::record>(1, r));
+ mhook.transferinfo[fr].first = inv;
+ em.store(fr);
+ face.transferupdate(inv->filename, fr, icqface::tsInit, inv->filesize, 0);
+void ext_filetrans_progress(invitation_ftp *inv, const char *status, unsigned long sent, unsigned long total) {
+ log("ext_filetrans_progress");
+ imfile fr;
+ if(mhook.getfevent(inv, fr)) {
+ face.transferupdate(fr.getfiles().begin()->fname, fr,
+ icqface::tsProgress, total, sent);
+ }
+void ext_filetrans_failed(invitation_ftp *inv, int error, const char *message) {
+ log("ext_filetrans_failed");
+ imfile fr;
+ if(mhook.getfevent(inv, fr)) {
+ face.transferupdate(fr.getfiles().begin()->fname, fr, icqface::tsError, 0, 0);
+ mhook.transferinfo.erase(fr);
+ }
+void ext_filetrans_success(invitation_ftp *inv) {
+ log("ext_filetrans_success");
+ imfile fr;
+ if(mhook.getfevent(inv, fr)) {
+ face.transferupdate(fr.getfiles().begin()->fname, fr, icqface::tsFinish, 0, 0);
+ mhook.transferinfo.erase(fr);
+ }
+void ext_new_connection(msnconn *conn) {
+ log("ext_new_connection");
+ if(conn->type == CONN_NS) {
+ msn_sync_lists(conn, 0);
+ logger.putourstatus(msn, offline, mhook.ourstatus = mhook.manualstatus);
+ mhook.flogged = true;
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] logged in"));
+ face.update();
+ }
+void ext_closing_connection(msnconn *conn) {
+ log("ext_closing_connection");
+ if(conn->type == CONN_NS) {
+ mhook.rfds.clear();
+ mhook.wfds.clear();
+ logger.putourstatus(msn, mhook.getstatus(), mhook.ourstatus = offline);
+ clist.setoffline(msn);
+ mhook.fonline = false;
+ mhook.slst.clear();
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] disconnected"));
+ face.update();
+ }
+void ext_changed_state(msnconn *conn, const char *state) {
+ log("ext_changed_state");
+int ext_do_connect_socket(const char *hostname, int port, int ssl) {
+ struct sockaddr_in sa;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+ int a, s;
+ string msgerr = _("+ [msn] cannot connect: ");
+ hp = gethostbyname(hostname);
+ if(!hp) {
+ face.log(msgerr + _("could not resolve hostname"));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
+ memcpy((char *) &sa.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
+ sa.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
+ sa.sin_port = htons((u_short) port);
+ if((s = socket(hp->h_addrtype, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if(cw_connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa), ssl) < 0) {
+ face.log(msgerr + _("verify the hostname and port"));
+ close(s);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return s;
+int ext_connect_socket_ssl(const char *hostname, int port) {
+ log("ext_connect_socket_ssl");
+ return ext_do_connect_socket(hostname, port, 1);
+int ext_connect_socket(const char *hostname, int port) {
+ log("ext_connect_socket");
+ return ext_do_connect_socket(hostname, port, 0);
+int ext_server_socket(int port) {
+ log("ext_server_socket");
+ int s;
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
+ if((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
+ addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ addr.sin_port = htons(port);
+ if(bind(s, (sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0 || listen(s, 1) < 0) {
+ close(s);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return s;
+char *ext_get_IP() {
+ log("ext_get_IP");
+ struct hostent *hn;
+ char buf2[1024];
+ gethostname(buf2, 1024);
+ hn = gethostbyname(buf2);
+ return inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr*) hn->h_addr));
+void ext_protocol_log(const char *buf, int readev, int writeev) {
+ if(readev) {
+ log(string("[IN] ") + buf);
+ } else if(writeev) {
+ log(string("[OUT] ") + buf);
+ }