o) www/rubygem-passenger;
o) third-party modules for www/nginx and www/nginx-devel.
Release 4.0.44
* The issue tracker has now been moved from Google Code to Github.
Before version 4.0.44 (May 29 2014, commit 3dd0964c9f4), all
issue numbers referred to Google Code. From now on, all issue
numbers will refer to Github Issues.
* Fixed compilation problems on OS X Lion and OS X Mountain Lion.
* On Ruby, fixed `nil` being frozen on accident in some cases.
See issue #1192.
Release 4.0.43
* Introduced a new command `passenger-config list-instances`, which prints all
running Phusion Passenger instances.
* Introduced a new command `passenger-config system-metrics, which displays
metrics about the system such as the total CPU and memory usage.
* Fixed some compilation problems caused by the compiler capability autodetector.
* System metrics such as total CPU usage and memory usage, are now sent to
[Union Station](https://www.unionstationapp.com) in preparation for future
Release 4.0.42
* [Nginx] Upgraded the preferred Nginx version to 1.6.0.
* [Nginx] Fixed compatibility with Nginx 1.7.0.
* [Standalone] The MIME type for .woff files has been changed to application/font-woff.
Fixes issue #1071.
* There are now APT packages for Ubuntu 14.04. At the same time, packages for
Ubuntu 13.10 have been abandoned.
* Introduced a new command, `passenger-config build-native-support`, for ensuring
that the native_support library for the current Ruby interpreter is built. This
is useful in system provisioning scripts.
* For security reasons, friendly error pages (those black/purple pages that shows
the error message, backtrace and environment variable dump when an application
fails to start) are now disabled by default when the application environment is
set to 'staging' or 'production'. Fixes issue #1063.
* Fixed some compilation warnings on Ubuntu 14.04.
* Fixed some compatibility problems with Rake 10.2.0 and later.
See [Rake issue 274](https://github.com/jimweirich/rake/issues/274).
* Improved error handling in [Union Station](https://www.unionstationapp.com) support.
* Data is now sent to Union Station on a more frequent basis, in order to make new
data show up more quickly.
* Information about the code revision is now sent to Union Station, which will be
used in the upcoming deployment tracking feature in Union Station 2.