2004-04-10 17:11:02 +00:00

24 lines
1.3 KiB

Adapted from the README: the FBM collection provides a complete package for
manipulating and converting images, including 24-bit RGB, 8-bit color, 8-bit
grayscale, and 1-bit bitmaps. This is a partial list of the commands:
fbclean Flip isolated pixels (clean image)
fbconv Arbitrary convolutions
fbedge Compute derivative image (edge detection)
fbext Extract region, resize, change aspect ratio
fbgamma Gamma correct grayscale or color image for display
fbhalf Halftone grayscale image (Blue noise, Floyd-Steinberg, etc)
fbhist Compute histogram
fbmask Set region to gray value
fbmedian Median filter 3x3 regions
fbnorm Normalize image intensity / increase contrast
fbquant Color quantization (24-bit to 8..256 colors) Mod. Heckbert
fbrot Rotate 90, 180, or 270 degrees
fbthin Thin 1-bit images
fbsharp Sharpen (edge enhancement) by digital Laplacian
idiff (and udiff) convert raw byte stream into byte difference
pbmtitle Add a title to a PBM file
The FBM utilities handle these image formats: native FBM, UseNet Facesaver, raw
(e.g. Amiga Digiview), Targa, Sun rasterfile with 32 byte header, Aldus TIFF,
Poskanzer PBM format for 1-bit files, CompuServe GIF, JPEG JFIF, Utah RLE, Amiga
IFF (except HAM mode), PC PaintBrush PCX, and Bennet Yee's 1-bit Face files.
Amiga HAM, Diablo graphics, and PostScript output is available.