into separate ports. The OPTIONS will remain as of yet and trigger dependencies now, for easy transition. Update KOffice to version 1.3.2. Add patches to fix a number of issues, including: - fix kxkb on Xorg - fix kdemultimedia WITH_MPEGLIB (now mpeglib_artsplug) compilation on gcc 3.4.2 with optimizations greater than -O Add security related patches and entries to portaudit.txt.
2 lines
127 B
2 lines
127 B
MD5 (KDE/koffice/koffice-1.3.2.tar.bz2) = 078a371f6768bea53b84ea342ac0b34b
SIZE (KDE/koffice/koffice-1.3.2.tar.bz2) = 10736662