Changelog: * The V2 scheduler now fully randomizes review cards due on a given day. * Fix flag changes in Browse screen not syncing. * Cleanup recording wav file when recording canceled. * Fix the window icon on Wayland. * Add a progress bar to media deletion. * Other minor changes. https://apps.ankiweb.net/docs/changes.html#changes-in-2.1.15 MFH: 2019Q3
3 lines
176 B
3 lines
176 B
TIMESTAMP = 1566645545
SHA256 (python/anki-2.1.15-source.tgz) = 5a53760164c77d619f55107a13099cffe620566a7f610b61b6c4b52487f3bb89
SIZE (python/anki-2.1.15-source.tgz) = 4269571