Also included is a local hack to allow for 0bXXX binary constants, since this appears to be a frequently requested item in the AVR developers community. The GCC configuration is tuned to allow for both, -gstabs [the default if only -g is given], and -gdwarf-2 debugging options. ELF/DWARF-2 is the emerging format as promoted by Atmel, and is intented to be directly usable in their AVR Studio simulator in future. Eventually, AVR-GDB will fully support DWARF-2 debugging as well some day.
13 lines
427 B
13 lines
427 B
FSF gcc-3.x for Atmel AVR cross-development
This brings the gcc compiler to the Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC family of
Included is the basic C++ compiler, although this is only of limited
use without a libstdc++, and it is little tested.
Supported debugging formats: -gstabs [default] and -gstabs
Locally hack added: recognizes 0bXXX binary constants