Legend: # info + new feature - bugfix -------------------- 2.5.0 (2021-01-16) + 3 user defined buttons for TRX control (Saku, OH1KH) + TX quick split using XIT (Saku, OH1KH) + support of WPM changes from macros when using Hamlib keyer (Saku, OH1KH) + include operator's callsign in the exports (Florian, DF2ET) + view eQSL image from list of QSO (Saku, OH1KH) + button to show remote station on a map with path and direction (Florian, DF2ET) + buttons for adding Mode+RST_sent, Locators_propagation and user defined message to DX spot sending (Saku, OH1KH) + ADIF import for JS8, FT4 and PKT (Andreas, DL7OAP) + local oscilator configuration added (Florian, DF2ET) + user can spot RX freq instead of TX (Florian, DF2ET) + export to EDI (Florian, DF2ET) + separate CW keyer settings for radio1 and radio2 (Saku, OH1KH) + rotor controls updated (Saku, OH1KH) + contest filter added (Florian, DF2ET) + working with WSJT improved + Cabrillo export headers (Saku, OH1KH & Florian, DF2ET) + DARK DOK info support added (Florian, DF2ET & Andreas, DL7OAP) + Cabrillo export added (Florian, DF2ET) + DX cluster improved (Saku, OH1KH) + Add option to upload SAT status info to AMSAT status page (Florian, DF2ET) + Calculate SAT mode from freq and RX freq. Used in eqsl.cc upload and ADIF/HTML exports (Florian, DF2ET) - fixes for club membership (Saku, OH1KH & Andreas, DL7OAP) - fixes for password special characters (Saku, OH1KH) - fixes to ADIF export rules (Andreas, DL7OAP) - fixes to contest window (Saku, OH1KH) - band <->frequency fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - UTF-8 problems in ADIF (Saku, OH1KH) - JTDX & JS8CALL fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - typo in satellite EO-80 (Andreas, DL7OAP) - layout fixes for QT5 compilation (Saku, OH1KH) - filter to take fix (Saku, OH1KH) - eQSL upload fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - CQ monitor fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - CW keys fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - RBN monitor fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - new membership files check fixed - export to HTML and ADIF fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - group edit fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - filter settings fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - QTH profile fixes (Saku, OH1KH) - callbook database update fixes (Saku, OH1KH) PR: ports/260066 Reported by: hellocodebsd@gmail.com
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--- src/fPreferences.pas.orig 2021-01-16 14:03:35 UTC
+++ src/fPreferences.pas
@@ -2818,11 +2818,11 @@ begin
cb47GHz.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('Bands', '47GHz', False);
cb76GHz.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('Bands', '76GHz', False);
- edtRigCtldPath.Text := cqrini.ReadString('TRX', 'RigCtldPath', '/usr/bin/rigctld');
+ edtRigCtldPath.Text := cqrini.ReadString('TRX', 'RigCtldPath', '%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/rigctld');
chkTrxControlDebug.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('TRX','Debug',False);
chkModeRelatedOnly.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('TRX','MemModeRelated',False);
- edtRotCtldPath.Text := cqrini.ReadString('ROT', 'RotCtldPath', '/usr/bin/rotctld');
+ edtRotCtldPath.Text := cqrini.ReadString('ROT', 'RotCtldPath', '%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/rotctld');
if (FileExistsUTF8(edtRigCtldPath.Text)) then
@@ -3039,7 +3039,7 @@ begin
seFreqWidth.Value := cqrini.ReadInteger('BandMapFilter','FreqWidth',12);
seCallWidth.Value := cqrini.ReadInteger('BandMapFilter','CallWidth',12);
- edtXplanetPath.Text := cqrini.ReadString('xplanet', 'path', '/usr/bin/xplanet');
+ edtXplanetPath.Text := cqrini.ReadString('xplanet', 'path', '%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/xplanet');
edtXHeight.Text := cqrini.ReadString('xplanet', 'height', '100');
edtXWidth.Text := cqrini.ReadString('xplanet', 'width', '100');
edtXTop.Text := cqrini.ReadString('xplanet', 'top', '10');