2019-08-14 12:25:09 +00:00

Configuring ModSecurity on FreeBSD

To enable ModSecurity in Apache, follow the instructions in


ModSecurity has various configuration options.
To change them, edit the following file:


Getting the Core Rule Set

ModSecurity requires firewall rule definitions. Most people use the
OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS). The easiest way to track the
OWASP CRS repository right now is to use Git. Let's make a directory
for all our ModSecurity related stuff, and clone the CRS repository
under it.

  pkg install git
  cd %%ETCDIR%%
  git clone
  cp owasp-modsecurity-crs/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.example \

The CRS has various config options. To change them, edit crs.conf.

To activate the CRS base rules, add the following to your httpd.conf:

  Include etc/modsecurity/owasp-modsecurity-crs/base_rules/*.conf

You can also add custom configuration and CRS exceptions here.
For instance, you might want to disable rules that generate false
positives. Example:

  SecRuleRemoveById 960015

Starting ModSecurity

When the configuration is all set, simply restart Apache and confirm
that ModSecurity is loaded by checking Apache's log file:

  apachectl restart
  tail /var/log/httpd-error.log

Configuring blocking mode

Now that ModSecurity is active, try making a suspicious request to
your web server, for instance browse to a URL: The CRS has a rule against
this type of request. After browsing to the URL, you should now see
the request logged in /var/log/modsec_audit.log.

You'll notice that the request succeeds, and the response is sent to
the browser normally. The reason is that ModSecurity runs in
"DetectionOnly" mode by default, in order to prevent downtime from
misconfiguration or heavy-handed blocking. You can enable blocking
mode simply by editing modsecurity.conf and changing the following

  SecRuleEngine On

Again, restart Apache. Now, make the same suspicious request to your
web server. You should now see a "403 Forbidden" error!

In practice, it's probably best to keep SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly
for some time, while your users exercise the web applications.
Meanwhile, you should keep an eye on /var/log/modsec_audit.log to see
what is being blocked. If there are any false positives, you need to
mitigate this by writing custom exceptions.


An essential resource for working with ModSecurity is the ModSecurity
Handbook by Ivan Ristic. ModSecurity exposes quite some internals, and
it's good to scan this book before you start writing custom rules and

You probably want to keep the CRS updated from time to time. You can
do this with Git:

  cd %%ETCDIR%%/owasp-modsecurity-crs
  git pull
  apachectl restart