2009-06-08 23:49:59 +00:00

18 lines
992 B

Crux is a software toolkit for molecular phylogenetic inference. It is
structured as a set of Python modules, which makes it possible to quickly
develop Python scripts that perform unique, non-canned analyses. Features
* Tree log-likelihoods can be computed under a variety of models, including all
specializations of GTR+I+G and mixture models. Tree likelihoods can be
computed in parallel via pthreads.
* Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (with Metropolis coupling)
can sample among non-nested models using reversible model jumps.
* Crux is capable of simulating character data under any model its likelihood
engine is capable of.
* The neighbor joining (NJ) and relaxed neighbor joining (RNJ) implementations
are among the fastest in existence.
* Pairwise distances between sequences can be computed based on percent
identity, or using methods that correct for multiple hits (Jukes-Cantor,
Kimura, and logDet).