38 lines
2 KiB
38 lines
2 KiB
Fix use of execinfo from llvm-config --system-libs
The LLVM_TOOL_LINK builds a helper tool named utils/prepare-builtins that
requires libedit which in turn pulls in libtinfo (part of libncurses).
In order to support builds on platforms without base ncurses (e.g. DF),
require base libedit. This requires an additional -L LDFLAGS to search
${LOCALBASE}/lib for the needed libs. (prepare-builtins is not installed)
--- configure.py.orig 2017-11-27 11:14:06 UTC
+++ configure.py
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ if llvm_int_version < 390:
print("libclc requires LLVM >= 3.9")
-llvm_system_libs = llvm_config(['--system-libs'])
+llvm_system_libs = (llvm_config(['--system-libs'])).replace("-l/usr/lib/libexecinfo.so","-lexecinfo")
llvm_bindir = llvm_config(['--bindir'])
llvm_core_libs = llvm_config(['--libs', 'core', 'bitreader', 'bitwriter']) + ' ' + \
llvm_system_libs + ' ' + \
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ b = metabuild.from_name(options.g)
description = 'OPT $out')
c_compiler_rule(b, "LLVM_TOOL_CXX", 'CXX', cxx_compiler, llvm_cxxflags)
-b.rule("LLVM_TOOL_LINK", cxx_compiler + " -o $out $in %s" % llvm_core_libs + " -Wl,-rpath %s" % llvm_libdir, 'LINK $out')
+b.rule("LLVM_TOOL_LINK", cxx_compiler + " -o $out $in %s" % llvm_core_libs +
+ " -L" + prefix + "/lib -Wl,-rpath %s" % llvm_libdir, 'LINK $out')
prepare_builtins = os.path.join('utils', 'prepare-builtins')
b.build(os.path.join('utils', 'prepare-builtins.o'), "LLVM_TOOL_CXX",
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ install_cmd = ' && '.join(['mkdir -p ${D
{'src': file,
'dst': libexecdir}
for (file, dest) in install_files_bc])
-install_cmd = ' && '.join(['%(old)s && mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s && cp -r %(srcdir)s/generic/include/clc ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s' %
+install_cmd = ' && '.join(['%(old)s && mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s && cp -r generic/include/clc ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s' %
{'old': install_cmd,
'dst': includedir,
'srcdir': srcdir}])