address, such as country, region or state, city, latitude and longitude, US ZIP code, time zone, Internet Service Provider (ISP) or company name, domain name, net speed, area code, weather station code, weather station name, mobile country code (MCC), mobile network code (MNC) and carrier brand, elevation, and usage type. WWW: http://pecl.php.net/package/ip2location PR: 195421 Submitted by: Gasol Wu <gasol.wu@gmail.com>
2 lines
146 B
2 lines
146 B
SHA256 (PECL/ip2location-6.0.3.tgz) = b36064446032d32e0cb4bfb86615a58ef5403ea9bfef31f695fb67c59ffb0434
SIZE (PECL/ip2location-6.0.3.tgz) = 321386