This is required for updating and unbreaking graphics/wings, erlang-esdl's only consumer. (The current port's version is 1.0.1 is 10 years old, 1.3.1 is only 6 years old, and the whole thing has been declared "legacy", but wings still requires it, so here we go). The upstream maintainer has switched the build system from Makefiles to rebar (rebar 2, rebar3 doesn't cut it) and made the former optional dependencies on SDL-image and SDL-ttf mandatory. esdl's former home at SourceForge has disappeared, the most current version (even if it's not really current) is now available at Github, WWW has been updated to reflect that change. PR: 239173 Approved by: maintainer-timeout (erlang@)
3 lines
179 B
3 lines
179 B
TIMESTAMP = 1562963418
SHA256 (dgud-esdl-esdl-1.3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 54723f487c384f04de404309454825361fa6eac8cb3c62bfadc2a559dfa928b4
SIZE (dgud-esdl-esdl-1.3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 323534