This library turns your Arduino into a seven segment display controller! Use it to easily display numbers on your seven segment display without any additional controllers. It supports common cathode and common anode displays, and the use of switching transistors. Displays with 1 to 9 digits can be used, and decimal places are supported. Characters and strings are not supported. WWW: https://github.com/DeanIsMe/SevSeg PR: 212806 Submitted by: Craig Leres <leres@ee.lbl.gov>
3 lines
178 B
3 lines
178 B
TIMESTAMP = 1474167691
SHA256 (DeanIsMe-SevSeg-v3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 818b35ce6634774851dad395ba9c2d4a383fc2562d8f9bd6a5ddaa4601602146
SIZE (DeanIsMe-SevSeg-v3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 10865