Ruslan Makhmatkhanov 164e1138b8 BWA is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference
genome (e.g. human genome). It has two major components, one for read shorter
than 150bp and the other for longer reads.


PR:		203158
Submitted by:	Jason Bacon <>
2015-09-25 18:39:36 +00:00

103 lines
2.2 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Biology
SUBDIR += ariadne
SUBDIR += artemis
SUBDIR += avida
SUBDIR += babel
SUBDIR += bcftools
SUBDIR += biococoa
SUBDIR += biojava
SUBDIR += blat
SUBDIR += bwa
SUBDIR += cd-hit
SUBDIR += cdbfasta
SUBDIR += chemeq
SUBDIR += clustalw
SUBDIR += consed
SUBDIR += crux
SUBDIR += emboss
SUBDIR += fasta
SUBDIR += fasta3
SUBDIR += fastdnaml
SUBDIR += fastool
SUBDIR += fasttree
SUBDIR += fastx-toolkit
SUBDIR += fluctuate
SUBDIR += garlic
SUBDIR += gff2ps
SUBDIR += gmap
SUBDIR += gperiodic
SUBDIR += grappa
SUBDIR += hmmer
SUBDIR += htslib
SUBDIR += iolib
SUBDIR += jalview
SUBDIR += lagan
SUBDIR += lamarc
SUBDIR += libgtextutils
SUBDIR += libsbml
SUBDIR += linux-foldingathome
SUBDIR += mafft
SUBDIR += mapm3
SUBDIR += migrate
SUBDIR += molden
SUBDIR += mopac
SUBDIR += mrbayes
SUBDIR += mummer
SUBDIR += muscle
SUBDIR += ncbi-blast+
SUBDIR += ncbi-toolkit
SUBDIR += njplot
SUBDIR += ortep3
SUBDIR += p5-AcePerl
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Das
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Das-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-GFF3
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Glite
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Graphics
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Phylo
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-SCF
SUBDIR += p5-bioperl
SUBDIR += p5-bioperl-run
SUBDIR += paml
SUBDIR += phrap
SUBDIR += phred
SUBDIR += phylip
SUBDIR += phyml
SUBDIR += platon
SUBDIR += plink
SUBDIR += plinkseq
SUBDIR += povchem
SUBDIR += primer3
SUBDIR += protomol
SUBDIR += psi88
SUBDIR += py-biopython
SUBDIR += pycogent
SUBDIR += pyfasta
SUBDIR += python-nexus
SUBDIR += recombine
SUBDIR += ruby-bio
SUBDIR += samtools
SUBDIR += seaview
SUBDIR += seqan
SUBDIR += seqio
SUBDIR += seqtools
SUBDIR += sim4
SUBDIR += ssaha
SUBDIR += t_coffee
SUBDIR += tinker
SUBDIR += treepuzzle
SUBDIR += treeviewx
SUBDIR += ugene
SUBDIR += velvet
SUBDIR += wise
SUBDIR += xmolwt
.include <>