Java GUI designer that makes it very easy to create Java GUI applications without spending a lot of time writing code to display simple forms. With WindowBuilder you can create complicated windows in minutes. Use the visual designer and Java code will be generated for you. You can easily add controls using drag-and-drop, add event handlers to your controls, change various properties of controls using a property editor, internationalize your app and much more. WWW: http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/
156 lines
3.9 KiB
156 lines
3.9 KiB
# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Java language support
SUBDIR += avis
SUBDIR += berkeley-db
SUBDIR += bluej
SUBDIR += bouncycastle
SUBDIR += cacao
SUBDIR += castor
SUBDIR += classpath
SUBDIR += commonclipse
SUBDIR += cos
SUBDIR += cryptix-jce
SUBDIR += dbvis
SUBDIR += diablo-jdk15
SUBDIR += diablo-jdk16
SUBDIR += diablo-jre15
SUBDIR += diablo-jre16
SUBDIR += drexelsnmp
SUBDIR += eclipse
SUBDIR += eclipse-EPIC
SUBDIR += eclipse-RDT
SUBDIR += eclipse-aptana
SUBDIR += eclipse-aptana-radrails
SUBDIR += eclipse-aptana2
SUBDIR += eclipse-cdt
SUBDIR += eclipse-checkstyle
SUBDIR += eclipse-clay-core
SUBDIR += eclipse-datatools
SUBDIR += eclipse-devel
SUBDIR += eclipse-drjava
SUBDIR += eclipse-ecj
SUBDIR += eclipse-emf
SUBDIR += eclipse-examples
SUBDIR += eclipse-findbugs
SUBDIR += eclipse-gef
SUBDIR += eclipse-gef-examples
SUBDIR += eclipse-hibernatetools
SUBDIR += eclipse-jad
SUBDIR += eclipse-langpack
SUBDIR += eclipse-log4e
SUBDIR += eclipse-lomboz
SUBDIR += eclipse-ocl
SUBDIR += eclipse-pmd
SUBDIR += eclipse-propedit
SUBDIR += eclipse-pydev
SUBDIR += eclipse-quantum
SUBDIR += eclipse-shelled
SUBDIR += eclipse-sqlexplorer
SUBDIR += eclipse-sysdeo-tomcat
SUBDIR += eclipse-uml
SUBDIR += eclipse-vep
SUBDIR += eclipse-vep-examples
SUBDIR += eclipse-viplugin
SUBDIR += eclipse-webtools
SUBDIR += eclipse-windowbuilder
SUBDIR += icedtea-web
SUBDIR += icedtea6-stubs
SUBDIR += infobus
SUBDIR += j2sdkee13
SUBDIR += jad
SUBDIR += jaf
SUBDIR += jai
SUBDIR += jai-imageio
SUBDIR += jakarta-bcel
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-beanutils
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-cli
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-codec
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-collections
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-dbcp
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-discovery
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-httpclient
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-lang
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-logging
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-pool
SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-primitives
SUBDIR += jakarta-oro
SUBDIR += jakarta-regexp
SUBDIR += jakarta-struts
SUBDIR += jamvm
SUBDIR += jasmin
SUBDIR += java-checkstyle
SUBDIR += java-cup
SUBDIR += java-getopt
SUBDIR += java-zoneinfo
SUBDIR += java3d
SUBDIR += javahelp
SUBDIR += javamail
SUBDIR += javavmwrapper
SUBDIR += jaxen
SUBDIR += jboss2
SUBDIR += jboss5
SUBDIR += jc
SUBDIR += jcalendar
SUBDIR += jcckit
SUBDIR += jcommon
SUBDIR += jdbcpool
SUBDIR += jdk15
SUBDIR += jdk15-doc
SUBDIR += jdk16
SUBDIR += jdk16-doc
SUBDIR += jdom
SUBDIR += jflex
SUBDIR += jfreechart
SUBDIR += jgraph
SUBDIR += jgrapht
SUBDIR += jgraphx
SUBDIR += jikes
SUBDIR += jlex
SUBDIR += jlint
SUBDIR += jmf
SUBDIR += jmp
SUBDIR += jode
SUBDIR += jomp
SUBDIR += jrosetta
SUBDIR += jta
SUBDIR += jtiger
SUBDIR += jump
SUBDIR += junit
SUBDIR += langspec
SUBDIR += linux-sun-jdk15
SUBDIR += linux-sun-jdk16
SUBDIR += linux-sun-jdk17
SUBDIR += linux-sun-jre15
SUBDIR += linux-sun-jre16
SUBDIR += linux-sun-jre17
SUBDIR += mmake
SUBDIR += mx4j
SUBDIR += netbeans
SUBDIR += netbeans-devel
SUBDIR += netbeans55
SUBDIR += netbeans61
SUBDIR += netcomponents
SUBDIR += netrexx
SUBDIR += netty
SUBDIR += openjdk6
SUBDIR += openjdk7
SUBDIR += phpeclipse
SUBDIR += poseidon
SUBDIR += proguard
SUBDIR += rubygem-rjb
SUBDIR += sablevm
SUBDIR += sablevm-classpath
SUBDIR += servingxml
SUBDIR += springframework
SUBDIR += sqlitejdbc
SUBDIR += subversion-java
SUBDIR += sun-wtk
SUBDIR += trove4j
SUBDIR += veditor
SUBDIR += westhawksnmp
SUBDIR += xdoclet
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>