A number of test cases included in the pexpect distribution failed on FreeBSD. The patches included in the commit fix most of these tests. One of the tests used /bin/bash and long options for the nl command. Other tests assumed pipe buffers larger than provided by FreeBSD. 3 tests are still failing: tests/test_replwrap.py::REPLWrapTestCase::test_existing_spawn FAILED The text received contains bracketed paste escape characters when a bash version 5.1 or newer is installed. There may be another problem with this test, though, since it seems to depend on some bash rc file of the account executing this test. tests/test_socket.py::ExpectTestCase::test_interrupt FAILED tests/test_socket.py::ExpectTestCase::test_multiple_interrupts FAILED These two test seem to fail due to an early exit of the sending process. It appears to be in Zombie state and cannot be signaled. The "non-blocking read" seems to be blocking in this situation. The real cause is unclear, it seems to be a mismatch between process lifetime semantics in Linux and FreeBSD. I have removed an infinite wait loop with these patches, which causes a test failure to be detected (instead of preventing the execution of any further test cases). I have created a pull request on Github to get these patches into the upstream, but it seems that the owner of the pexpect repository is not very active. Approved by: sunpoet (maintainer)
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# Created by: ijliao
PORTNAME= pexpect
CATEGORIES= misc python
MAINTAINER= sunpoet@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= Python module for controlling interactive programs in pseudo-terminal
RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}ptyprocess>=0.5:sysutils/py-ptyprocess@${PY_FLAVOR}
USES= python:3.6+
USE_PYTHON= autoplist concurrent distutils
NO_ARCH= yes
.include <bsd.port.mk>