in .OBJ format, support for LCC, AMD 3d-Now MMX instructions, and SSE instructions. The above new features mean nothing to this committer who is frightened by machine code, but to the determined hacker, I'm sure the above features will be welcomed warmly. PR: ports/12027 Submitted by: Murray Stokely <>
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This is a distribution of NASM, the Netwide Assembler. NASM is a
prototype general-purpose x86 assembler. It will currently output
flat-form binary files, a.out, COFF and ELF Unix object files,
Microsoft Win32 and 16-bit DOS object files, OS/2 object files, the
as86 object format, and a home-grown format called RDF.
Also included is NDISASM, a prototype x86 binary-file disassembler
which uses the same instruction table as NASM.