I've taken a chance and split the sparc64 and alpha mega-diffs up because sparc64 patched the result of alpha's patches, and amd64 needed to do the same again - but it was sorted lexically before alpha/sparc64. I've grouped the xptcall patches together since they are standalone and split up and merged the other infrastructure jumbo-patches. I also attempted to sync up the nspr vs firebird diffs for sparc64 and alpha because they disagreed. HOWEVER... While this port 'depends' on the nspr port, it doesn't actually *use* it. It should probably be removed from the LIB_DEPENDS list. Note that the amd64 xptcall code came from SuSE via the mozilla bugzilla database.
12 lines
467 B
12 lines
467 B
--- nsprpub/pr/src/io/prprf.c Wed Feb 26 15:53:42 2003
+++ nsprpub/pr/src/io/prprf.c Thu Oct 16 22:50:40 2003
@@ -52,5 +52,8 @@
** and requires array notation.
-#if (defined(LINUX) && defined(__powerpc__)) || \
+#if defined(__amd64__)
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define VARARGS_ASSIGN(foo, bar) va_copy((foo), (bar))
+#elif (defined(LINUX) && defined(__powerpc__)) || \
(defined(LINUX) && defined(__s390__)) || \
(defined(LINUX) && defined(__s390x__)) || \