enviroment variable, this aids in 'buildworld' and 'buildkernel'. CCACHE_NOHASH_SIZE_MTIME This tells ccache to not hash the real compiler's size and modi- fication time. Normally this is the mechanism to detect compiler upgrades. There are situations however, where even though the compiler's size or modification time has changed you can safely use the cached objects (e.g. if as part of your build system the compiler is built as well and the compiler's source has not changed; or if the compiler has only changes that do not affect code generation). Use this feature only if you know what you are doing. Submitted by: schweikh
19 lines
908 B
19 lines
908 B
--- ccache.1.orig Mon Sep 13 06:38:30 2004
+++ ccache.1 Tue Nov 15 14:59:46 2005
@@ -234,6 +234,16 @@
incorrect setting of this debug info rarely causes problems\&. If you
strike problems with gdb not using the correct directory then enable
this option\&.
+This tells ccache to not hash the real compiler's size and modification
+time. Normally this is the mechanism to detect compiler upgrades.
+There are situations however, where even though the compiler's size or
+modification time has changed you can safely use the cached objects
+(e.g. if as part of your build system the compiler is built as well
+and the compiler's source has not changed; or if the compiler has only
+changes that do not affect code generation). Use this feature only if
+you know what you are doing.
If you set the environment variable CCACHE_UNIFY